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..and they're off!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 7:23 am
by dev

Hurray! The staining is sort of a downer though - I wish I knew about this website when I first got my braces on - my dental hygiene was subpar for the first year and a half of having braces, which led to the stains. :(
My midline is also a bit off - I wish I remembered to bring it up with my orthodontist before the debanding. I have a very prominent chin that's now kinda off-center so it's kind of another downer.

Oh well. :?

Question: is it possible to adjust bite without another full set of braces + elastics? I think my ortho just didn't leave me in the elastics long enough, since I know he was adjusting my midline about 2 months prior to my debanding.

(is midline even the right word? Essentially my lower jaw is offset a few mm from my upper jaw)

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:11 am
by Smiley77
Gorgeous smile :)


Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:18 am
by Lisa65
They do look nice :D

I recall somebody posting a couple of weeks ago that they had used Crest Whitestrips after debanding to remove stains and had a good result with them. She posted before and after pics and there was a real difference.

Maybe you could try that!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:10 pm
by eaglesoaring

Hey! Congrats!! Your teeth look GREAT!! Do you have your retainers? I've heard that retainers are sometimes used to "finish up" maybe if you spoke to your Ortho about your concerns, they could adjust the retainer do the subtle corrections you're talking about? I'm not completely sure about this...but it seems like I read this somewhere a while ago. (You might post in the NAKED TOOTH SECTION OF THIS FORUM, and ask there. :) ) If it really concerns you, I'd definitely suggest talking with your Ortho about it.

However, I'd have to agree with KK...she has a very good point...YOU are probably the only person that will notice your midlines. I don't think the general population inspects others' teeth that closely. :D

Again, they look great!! Beautiful smile!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:16 pm
by Evelyn
Hey Dev! CONGRATUALTIONS!! Your teeth look absolutely gorgeous, that's a smile you can be proud of for life. The staining is really not noticeable, if it still bothers you I find that the crest whitestrips work really well to cover it up.

Keep smiling! :tingrin:

xoxo Eve

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:47 pm
by Joanna20
Very nice smile! Congrats! Don't worry about ur midline, no one will notice that!

Take care,

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:21 pm
by Paws917
Wow, you're teeth look GREAT! Congratulations!

My advice is to talk to your ortho about whatever concerns you have about your teeth. IMO, you paid for a service and a result and if you don't feel you got that result, you definitely need to say something. Maybe there is more finishing work to be done with the retainer? At any rate, your teeth really do look fantastic!


Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:13 am
by Marzipan
My feeling about "perfect teeth" is - boring! In fact I'm going to miss my front gap when I'm through. (Other things I won't miss at all, which is why I'm doing it.)

First, no one will even notice that tiny midline discrepancy. I look at people's teeth all the time now, and I didn't notice it without your mentioning it first. Your teeth look great now. Second, it's the little imperfections in our appearances that give us character and appeal.

Seriously, it looks GREAT.

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:37 pm
by jmpmntwnty3
Great pics! I can't wait until my appliances come off so I can have a naked mouth :P

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:08 pm
by Pirate Wench
:-88 Congrats on going Naked :-88

Your smile looks great. Your midline is only off slightly......I am sure I would have never noticed if you hadn't mentioned it in you post. We are always our own worst critic. :roll: If it is really bothering you to your ortho about it. I know my ortho said his biggest is concern is a good bite. After that it is just cosmetic and he will leave that part up to me. When I am happy with how things look that is when we will deband.

Good luck!