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7th Adjustment Today!!! GREAT NEWS!!! (pics)

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:34 am
by Samantha08
Well I had a great adjustment today!! I went in and got my bottom wire changed to a 17x25 I think they said... Anyway, I got my powerchain changed up top and my ligs changed to blue on the bottom. When my ortho came he was raving about my teeth and then he said that the next adjustment (on Sept 19th,) I will get fitted for my lower permanent retainer!! Im almost done!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! lol!! :) Im so excited!!!! :banana: :banana:


Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:36 am
by Lisa65
What a beautiful smile :D great news :-*

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:37 am
by Smiley77
Wow you are going to have one beautiful smile when you are done!

Not long now! Well done!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:31 am
by jenfire
Wow! Your teeth look awesome :D

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:45 am
by Pirate Wench
Congrats.....It is wonderful that you are almost done your journey! Your teeth look wonderful.

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:02 am
by katmc_tx
Wow Samantha your teeth and smile look awesome 8) . And it looks like you will be done before you estimate time frame which is also awesome. I would be doing back flips and cartwheels. Congratulations :-88 :-)o

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:46 pm
by Samantha08
Thanks everybody!! I really appreciate it!! :) I dont know how I will stand the wait until I go to my next adjustment! The only weird thing is that I havent had elastics yet, and I thought that pretty much everyone had to have those! Maybe I will get them next time.

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:16 pm
by Joanna20
It's funny to see how some of you have names for your teeth :P I should name my stubborn lower canines as well.
I'm sure your canine will get lowered like the others! Good luck


Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:07 pm
by lionfish
Fantastic news and don't your teeth look great?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:06 pm
by Flora2006
Your teeth are beautiful...amazing smile :)

That is indeed great news. Good luck with the remainder time in braces :)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:33 pm
by Gennel
Your teeth look ABSOLUTLEY GORGEOUS!!! You must feelso proud!

Yayyyyyyyyy!!! for you!!! :)


Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:43 pm
by jmpmntwnty3
Congrats! I can't wait 'til my teeth are straight with no gaps, hehe. I know you can't wait to get those things off. Your teeth are gonna look awesome!

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:45 pm
by hannah164
Congratulations Samantha! Your smile is absolutely gorgeous! Way JEalous! Luv the blue powerchains! I've got a blue like that right now except its not quite that bright! :wink: :thumbsup: :dance: :-#) :banana:




Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Next Adjustment: finally bonding a bracket to my impacted bicuspid!

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:38 pm
by Evelyn
Congratulations Samantha! That's such an exciting time right before your braces come off, you're in for a treat! Your teeth look absolutely gorgeous, you're going to have a killer smile when all is said and done.



Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:43 am
by bajanrose
Your teeth look great, you have a beautiful smile. Congrats to you.