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Hard too floss........

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:05 am
by Cor1
Hi guys n' gals..........well when I didn't have braces I found it really hard to floss all my teeth, because they are really tight and my jaws are small, and it was annoying to get all the way into my with my braces it is impossible!! I did get the floss threaders, buy I just find it annoying right now, I can do all my fronts, very hard to get to the backs, I must tell you I have very good oral hygene, I am 35, and I have NEVER HAD A CAVITY IN MY LIFE TIME YET!! My dental checks are always clean and good, so my question is, is there anything else I could use to floss in the back of my mouth.........what is a WATERPICK??



Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:39 pm
by Joanna20
Hey! I find it quite hard to floss at the back as well! But keep on trying, I don't do it every single night, but most nights I do.
Good luck,

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:41 pm
by MsTee

This was my first night flossing in braces, and I must agree that it was quite difficult. I am hoping it gets easier with time, b/c it seemed to take forever to get all of my teeth flossed! I have threaders, but it almost seems as if they hold up the process. I will keep trying and see what happens. Let us know if it gets better for you, and what methods you're using!

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:51 am
by 36nBraced
flossing with these medieval torture devices on your teeth is quite an ordeal. with practice comes proficiency. my first time flossing must have taken 20 minutes. i was SO frustrated. but i forced myself to continue to do it and now it takes me 1-2 minutes to floss my uppers. i know i'll have to go through the same frustration with my lowers but it's a small price to pay for a great smile. the last thing i want to do is ruin it by not taking proper care of the teeth.

the great thing about flossing is that you can tell when your teeth move. the floss just glides between the teeth now whereas in the past it was a tight squeeze.

Waterpik Power Flosser for now!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:05 am
by Cor1
Hi all, thanks for the replies, but for now I have boughten my self a power flosser, and I luv it.............when my teeth become straighter, I will go back to normal flossing, I regularly brush, rinse, flouride rinse, and keep my oral very clean!!

So far so good, I will see what my ortho has to say on my first adjustment and go from there!!
