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What a joy it is to have braces!!! Pics included!

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:02 am
by lane
Let me first just say that I've been reading this site for around 4 months and this is my first "official" post and I am excited to be here!! Yes, you read the subject line correctly. I am a 40 year old who is thorougly enjoying her braces journey. To make a long story short, I have not liked my teeth since I can remember and flirted with the idea of getting braces around 7 years ago. I went to an ortho that told me I would need to have two teeth pulled and would be in braces for around 24-28 months. Not withstanding the cost, the fact that I had to have two teeth pulled was enough for me to say forget it. Flash forward 7 years later and here I am with braces on wishing I had done this 20 years ago. Why did I finally decide to go for it? Well I think turning 40 had alot to do with it. I was reflecting on the one thing I really wanted to do but hadn't done yet and that was getting my teeth fixed. That coupled along with a very supportive boyfriend (even suggesting that I post my pics here) who encouraged me to go for it, well let's just say, "I wouldn't/couldn't be denied". I started the process in early April 2006 by having two upper bicuspids removed. I have to say for those that are worried about getting teeth pulled please don't be. It was a breeze!! It literally took the oral surgeon less than 10 mins to yank them out. I recovered fairly quickly with minimal bleeding/pain. Three weeks later I had my top braces put on and haven't looked back since. I will be having the bottoms put on in about three months and cannot wait. I really appreciate this forum (love the Dentakit) and would just like to encourage anyone who has been considering getting there teeth fixed, to go for it. I really wish I had done this years ago but like my ortho said, "I wasn't ready yet". He is very pleased with my progress considering I've only had my braces on for about 4 months and my teeth are moving right along. I look forward to this journey and in the end I pray I will have straight teeth, a proper bite, and killer smile!! I am already looking into some whitening procedures and I can't wait!!! Hang in there you guys, this is so going to be worth it in the end! Look forward to learning/sharing with you!

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Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:02 am
by Drama Queen
Welcome to the board and good luck on your journey!

Lau xx

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:57 pm
by lane
Thanks for the welcome guys! I will keep you posted on the journey and hopefully the pictures will be motivating to others as well. I look forward to see everyone's progress and found it to be quite amazing what today's orthodontics can do for our teeth!

P.S. Just realized I put this in the wrong forum and I apologize. Was looking for a way to move to the correct one, but not sure if I'm able to do that...

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:15 pm
by Marzipan
Hi, Lane, you're doing great! I am 49 now and had braces put on for the first time when I was 48. I have 1.5 years to go or now. I'm doing just fine and the gaps I have hated since forever are disappearing. I'm loving it.

So keep at it, it's worth it, and it's even kind of fun to notice all the other adults around who also have braces. There are quite a few in my town.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:55 pm
by montesser
Congrats on the courage to get braces as an adult. I'm only 28, but like you I wish I would have gotten them when I was younger, but you can only start with where you are. I am hoping that before my 30th, I will finally have the perfect smile. Good luck and keep us updated with your progress. We are all here for you.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:58 am
by LP
Welcome Lane.

I'm almost 33 and like you I have wanted this for years...since I was 11. Congrats on finally making the decision to do it. If my treatment doesn't take longer then expected (18-24 months) I will have a killer smile for my 35th birthday. I can't wait!!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:49 pm
by ingyandbert
Good for you! You have the right attitude. I'm like you, I was told I'd need extractions and that just didn't feel right. So I waited and a few years later was told that, because of the Damon system, I would NOT need extractions. I've been braced for 7 months and my teeth are probably 97% straight. I'm really glad I waited but am very much looking forward to my new, beautiful smile after my braces are off.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:49 pm
by ingyandbert
Good for you! You have the right attitude. I'm like you, I was told I'd need extractions and that just didn't feel right. So I waited and a few years later was told that, because of the Damon system, I would NOT need extractions. I've been braced for 7 months and my teeth are probably 97% straight. I'm really glad I waited but am very much looking forward to my new, beautiful smile after my braces are off.