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Dental cleaning with braces

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:58 pm
by saycheese
Hi all~

I searched for an answer to my question and didn't find it. I apologize if this has been recently discussed.

My regular cleaning is coming up in 2 weeks.

Now that I have braces I'm wondering how it works.

Does the hygentist remove my wire and powerchain or will she clean my teeth with them on?


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:33 pm
by jenfire
My hygenist did not remove the wires or ligs/powerchains when I had my first cleaning a couple weeks ago.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:19 pm
by Anticipator
I have had two cleanings so far and both were with the archwires on, but they've said that it's a lot easier for them to do it without wires.

Also, my general dentist tends to take x-rays at each cleaning, possibly because she likes to be proactive about cavities, or more likely because my insurance has no limit. :?

Either way, it's apparently more difficult for them to assess the potential cavities with the archwires present.

When I had two fillings done last month I had my archwires removed, and will have them removed again for my next cleaning next month.

EDITED TO ADD: It is extremely unlikely that your general dentist/hygenist would risk interfering with your orthodontist's work by removing anything, even temporarily. I would expect that's a professional boundary that would not be crossed.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:42 pm
by ssfw
I had my archwire removed by my ortho's office the day before I got my teeth cleaned because due to timing, it would not have worked to get it removed the same day as getting my teeth cleaned. The next day, after I got my teeth cleaned, I went back to my ortho's office got my adjustment and archwire placed back in. My dentist's office prefers for the archwire to be removed to make it easier to clean my teeth. I think some dental offices prefer for the archwire, powerchains, etc. to be removed and some don't have a preference. It may be best if you called your dentists' office and ask them. If they prefer to have it removed, you will need to make a couple appts. (to get it removed and put back in) with your ortho's office. I found this to be the most time consuming part of ortho treatment, mainly because my dentists' office and ortho office is about 30 minutes away from each other.


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:09 pm
by saycheese
Thanks everyone.

I think I'll give the office a call.

My ortho is located is the same office as my regular dentist. However, the ortho is only at my particular location on Mondays.

Thanks again~ :D

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:50 pm
by montesser
I am on a regular 3 month cleaning schedule with my dentist now that I have braces. The hygentist in the office changed recently so the last two cleanings were different. My first hygentist had no problem with the cleaning. She even flossed for me just in case I was missing any. Both her children have braces so she is a pro with it. The second one doesn't feel as comfortable tampering with the equipment so she has left the flossing up to me. But neither said anything about needing to have the wires removed.

BTW, both my ortho and dentist recommend the 3 month cleaning schedule for people with braces throughout their treatment. This ensures healthy gums which should help you progress a lot quicker.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:17 am
by ssfw
Hi saycheese,

You indicated your ortho is only in on Mondays. At my ortho's office, the assistant is available to remove and put the archwire back in. Can the assistant in your office do this? If s/he can, then you won't have to feel that you have to make an appt. to get your teeth cleaned on a Monday, which sometimes makes it more difficult to make an appt.
