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Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:29 am
by Bridget
Hi there!

So I managed to keep my clear ligatures all nice and unstained for 2,5 weeks and what did I do? Cook a curry yesterday!

I really thought "well, just ONCE can't be that bad" and it tasted just great, and I sipped lots of water inbetween to get the curry away really quick....

Afterwards I went to brush my teeth and - GUESS WHAT - my formerly clear ligatures turned a glowing yellow (luckily not ALL of them but anyway) :soremouth:

It's not that bad however I can see it...and I am more than happy that my next appointment is on Thursday....

My goodness - I never thought that these curries stain the ligatures in an instant - I always believed that you needed quite a lot...and that in combination with coffee and red wine. :-+

However, I could've know from all your posts...but some things you really have to learn the hard way ;-)

I just felt like sharing this with you!


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:24 am
by Lisa65
I think it's the turmeric in the curry that has that instant glowing yellow effect. Perhaps you should go for yellow ligs next time lol

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:12 pm
by lionfish
You're not alone, Bridget. I'm sporting bright yellow/green neon powerchains thanks to curry. The baking soda toothpaste does help, but I haven't managed to get them back to their original state.

Maybe it's time to go for some colour in my life....

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:41 pm
by Dramagyrl
I had a battle with mustard last week and my clear ligs were totally glowing. I tried whitening pastes and yeah, it didn't work.
I was all worried about things looking grimy if I smiled, so I just went and got coloured elastics on the top. Kind of defeats the purpose of clear brackets, but I know it would have driven me crazy otherwise.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:24 pm
by jetxness
i think i mentioned this before but if you are making your own curry, just don't put the tumeric in. you won't get yellow and it still tastes yummy.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:45 pm
by juf_84
Mmmm I love a good curry! I'm one of the non-lig wearing people and although I would love to have a mouthful of colour, everytime I have a curry, or a cup of tea for that matter, I say a silent thankyou to my ortho for not giving me a choice.

But if I had ligs, I'd just wear coloured ones and enjoy my curries!!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:19 am
by Bridget
Hi there!

My "Currie Issue" is solved. I went to the Ortho last Thursday for my first adjustment and I got a new wire on my upper brackets (a stronger one) which has been put in with "hard ligatures", thus wires around the brackets.

The same happened to my lower brackets (same wire, though)

So from now on no curries etc can stop me :-))


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:32 pm
by lionfish
Are you implying that elastics, having absorbed the vindaloo, then started to infuse everything else you ate with curry?

As this is now a subject rather close to my heart, I think a control experiment is called for. I was going to cook moussaka tonight, but maybe I'll just curry the mince instead. And yes, the elastics will be left "in".

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:58 pm
by lionfish
Ah, we're talking!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:40 pm
by lionfish
Nice review, a bit far for KK and me. But we do have Haighs and many others to draw upon down under.

I would up the truffle intake to, say, about 5 in one sitting and see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't, keep upping the limit until it does. You can't have too much chocolate. I mean, this is scientific research we're carrying out here.