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Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:06 am
by Cor1
Hi all, just wanted to ask can you over flouride.................I bought (oral B) flouride rinse, plus my ortho gave me a small bottle , and I like to use it after every brush, wich I usually try to do 3 times a day??


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:10 am
by ladygal
I haven't heard about adults over flouride'ing, but kids can! My kids' pediatrician told me that his daughter now has black marks permantly on her teeth because she ate toothpaste a lot when she was little.

I would ask your doc to make sure. If you read your toothpaste or mouthwash bottle it will say something to the effect of "if poison control or your dr."

It wouldn't hurt to double check :)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:29 pm
by rsprouse
Yes it is possible to over fluoridate even as an adult. The optimal level of Fl in water is 1 part per million for dental needs. You are not at risk for fluorosis (white or mottle brown spots on your teeth) as an adult, but fluoride will have other effects on systems of your body (Kidneys, Thyroid, Brain, etc). Most likely it would not cause any noticeable changes, but it may. A single rinsing per day with a prescription fluoride rinse is more than enough for most ortho patients.

Good Luck,

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:05 pm
by Paws917
Over-fluoriding usually happens to very small children, but I suppose it can happen to anyone really with the right amount. Most people think fluoride is only present in toothpaste, water and fluoride rinses, but it's actually present in just about everything we eat, because most crops are watered with city water and most foods are prepared with water before they end up on your grocer's shelf. When you consider that we're ingesting fluoride almost all day long, it's amazing that anyone still get cavities! :D


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:09 pm
by simshell
Actually, my daughter ate some toothpaste and we called poison control. Poison control told us she'd have to eat the whole entire tube of toothpaste for it actually to be bad. So having said that, I don't think you are using too much flouride. I know alot of cities put flouride in their drinking water and there is flouride in just about everything these days--even M&M's. (I saw this on the news recently). So I would say you are probably ok using that much and you'd be ok to not use it so much too. If it is concerning you, you might want to ask your dentist.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:14 pm
by tin_grin
I don't mean to be a downer, but I recently read this article in Prevention magazine about the dangers of flouride. I found it shocking. :yikes: Here's the link:,577 ... -1,00.html

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:15 pm
by nicholeuf
Woah. Scary. Thanks for the info tin-grin.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:22 am
by rsprouse
Tin and Kiwi,

Don't go bashing fluoride in the water supply just yet. The article in prevention is incomplete IMHO. The American Dental Association promptly issued a response after the report was published. As always, you make your own judgements and decisions, but base them on documented and truthful facts and complete research studies.

The fact is that having fluroide levels of approximatly 1 part per million provides adequate dental benefits without increased risks. There are no research studies (that I know of) that have indicated that such low levels in the drinking water have caused any problems.

Here is a copy of the e-mail that the ADA sent to its members. If anyone wants a copy then feel free to contact me.

[ADA E-mail Snip]
Magazine Article May Confuse Readers About
Water Fluoridation Safety

A cover story in the August issue of Prevention magazine, "The Danger in Your Water," contains what we believe is misinformation about the safety of community water fluoridation. The article appears to misconstrue the findings of the recent National Research Council report. It also highlights a research analysis by a then-Harvard doctoral student that suggests a possible association between fluoride in water and osteosarcoma (a rare form of bone cancer). The “associationâ€

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:41 pm
by susieq182
I can see where everyone is coming from here. I have to agree that i dont like having flouridated water. personally i think it tastes funny. Being that it has not been proven either way I vote to error on the side of caution and better tasting water that i dont have to treat with chemicals to keep my pet fish alive.

Consider that all the flouride we use ends up back in the water supply. in turn this ends up in all the plants and animals around us. 1 ppm in water no big deal that for sure wont do any harm, but what about all the other things we consume? and i am not thinking eating toothpaste or drinking mouthwash (which some people do) just normal every day foods.

My vote is no more flouridation and no more chloramines (sp?) anything that can kill a gold fish cant be good to drink.