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First adjustment...interesting!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:18 am
by eaglesoaring
Hey all of my brace buddies-

Just wanted to update you on my first adjustment. I went in, and the tech started to change my wires, from my first wire, to the square one. Then she said that it might be too difficult to put the new wire in the bottom arch. Apparently, it's still a little too crooked. And, she didn't want to hurt me by forcing it in. (In my chart, it said I was to get new wires upper and lower). However, I told her that I'd endure the pain, in hopes of getting a new wire. The tops were changed fairly easily. I'm not going to tell you it wasn't uncomfortable...because it was. Then on to the bottom...and, after a few attempts, she wanted to go back to my original wire. It was very uncomfortable...borderline painful. I said..."Wait....we can do this!!" We both smiled. Then I asked her if she could "hold" my teeth while she did it. Basically giving my teeth more support...and...IT WORKED!! She got the new wire in! It's a little thicker, but not so thick where anyone would notice.

Then she put these little metal "anchors" on the wire itself. She said that would prevent the wire from moving too much to the right or left.

Then, the doc came to check me. He said that I should expect quite a bit of movement with my new wire!!! And he said that he thinks I'll be able to get my bite turbo's OFF at my next appt...which is in 10 weeks. (I will have worn my bite turbo's for a total of 4.5 months, assuming they come off in 10 weeks.) Doc said that they don't like to leave the bite turbo's on too long, as they will start to cause causing teeth to start growing down further than they should. And other bite problems.

Naturally, I forgot to ask how they get these bite turbo's OFF.

Currently, my teeth ache...but not so bad I need any pain meds. I'll probably take a Tylenol before bed tonight...just to be on the safe side. The tech said they'd be pretty sore tomorrow, and to be prepared for the discomfort. I had some french fries, and a few bites of a cheeseburger for lunch, but I'm going back to pasta for dinner.

I'll try to post pics in a few days. (Thanks Gennel!!!)
Have a beautiful day, everyone! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:51 am
by Izzy
Glad your first adjustment went well. Since I have bite turbos myself, I would love to know how they get them off! Hopefully in 10 weeks you can let me know. I've only been braced for about three weeks now so I will have my turbos well after yours are gone.

Bite turbos tooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:56 am
by Cor1
Hi there, my first adjustment will be on Sept. 28, I have to bite turbos on my two front teeth..............and all I can say, is I don't like them one bit!! I can handle the braces, but these are very interesting to say the least..............I now lisp when I talk!!!

I hope I don't have mine on for too long either!!



I got the new Smart Clip braces put on, so adjustments, tend to be a little more spaced out, and apparently go faster, with less pain??? I hope!!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:12 pm
by jcdamon3
Quite interesting! What kind of brackets do you have?

My bottom teeth have always been 1-2 steps behind my top teeth. They keep moving the wire from the top to the bottom when they make an adjustment. I am sure they save on wires this way!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:43 pm
by ssfw
Hi eagle,

I'm glad you had a great first adjustment appt. today. I'm surprised that your tech was going to give up and put the prior archwire back in instead of asking your orthodontist to help her. It's great that the both of you worked together on getting the new archwire in. I really don't blame you for wanting to get a new archwire. A week after I got my braces, there was excess wire due to the movement of my teeth. When I went in to get the wire clipped, the assistant placed a stopper in the archwire to try to avoid the wire from slipping and I didn't have further problems with the archwire. The assistant did tell me that sometimes with the thinner wires, it happens more frequently due to the movement of the teeth - one great thing about being 10 minutes away from my orthodontist is if/when I need to make an appt. to get the wire clipped, etc., it's not at all an inconvenience.

I think it is very nice that the tech at your office was concerned about any pain she might have created by forcing the wire in.

I hope you don't have alot of discomfort from this appt.

Take Care.


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:25 pm
by eaglesoaring
Cor1 and Izzy-

I'll definitely keep you posted on the removal of my bite turbo's!! I don't like them either. Mine are on my back, lower teeth. Annoying, to say the least. My Ortho said I'd be much more comfy when those come off. I agree. I find myself just wanting to BITE, but can't make it happen.


Hello! I have Inovation-R's. I would guess that moving one wire to the other arch would save money...but I can see why your lowers might be 1-2 steps my lowers haven't moved a ton, whereas my uppers are quite straight (at least to me!). I wonder if I'll eventually have my lowers further behind??


I can understand why she'd put the old wire back teeth/brackets are arranged such that it's difficult to get the doors open, (especially on the right) AND get that thicker wire in there. They're really crooked, which makes them close together. There's just not much room. I feel that she didn't ask for help because she could see that my first wire would still be able to do more work?? Basically, the first wire was still working. But, as I am an impatient person (when it comes to my teeth), I really, really wanted this new wire. I'm ready to get things moving. Also, after tugging and pulling on my teeth for a while, I think she may have thought I'd had enough, and didn't want anyone else (Ortho) to try. She was wrong...and in the end it worked. She was as gentle as possible, but it still required some force. Worth it, if you ask me!

I also forgot to say that at my next adjustment, I will NOT be getting new wires. I will be meeting with Ortho to discuss how I think my treatment is going. And, I'm sure, to discuss different types of appliances (i.e. elastics). But, I was really pleased that I will have a chance to meet with Ortho, ask questions, evaluate treatment, and hear what he thinks is our next move.

Thanks for the replies! :D

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:33 pm
by Pirate Wench
I am sorry to hear that it took so much to get the square wire least it is in now and you don't have to fight with it at the next appointment. I hope your teeth aren't hurting too much tomorrow.

My second wire is still a round one. I am hoping to get a stronger square wire next time, but I am wondering if that won't happen until they can place the bottom brackets so the tops don't get too far ahead.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:29 pm
by Dramagyrl
Just curious what a bite turbo is? I have something on two top back molars my ortho said will help with my bite and moving it into place faster, but he never called it by that name or told me how long I would have them. Mine are blue and quite close to the back, they drive me crazy and make it difficult to eat when the teeth beside it were extracted and these are quite flat. I find I have to grind food, but it does make it easier to know where my jaw should be biting down (it's been off for years with my TMJ).

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:29 pm
by Skinny
Hey Buddy, Glad to hear your moving along, Do you see any movement yet at all?
Im sure you will soon now with the stronger wires in place. I miss getting Emails from ya, Im glad to see your doing ok.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:35 pm
by tin_grin
Oh wow, that's interesting. It's been almost 2 weeks and my molars still don't touch. I'm calling my ortho tomorrow.... I wonder if I'll need any of these devices?!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:44 pm
by eaglesoaring

You know what? You, my friend, have pointed out the difference between "bite turbo's" vs. "molar buildups". (At least that's what I've gathered from your response post). I've heard a couple of people refer to what I have, (molar buildups), as "bite turbo's" I just thought that's what they are...but now, I see they're molar buildups. It seems that there IS a difference. Or, are they all considered "bite turbo's"? I mean, the molar buildups have definitely given my bite a turbo! Ha! Ha! Seriously, I'm seeing that they must be different. They might have a similar effect, but are placed on different teeth?


Hey!! Good to hear from you! Yes, yes...I'm seeing movement! I'll chat with ya' soon!

Pirate Wench- was a small struggle...but I'm doing good. It's now late night, and I'm not in pain. Let's see how tomorrow goes!


Thank you!!! :D I'm pretty happy!

Again, thanks for all replies! It's nice to be able to share this with you all! You understand...and I appreciate it. :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:16 pm
by Gennel
Hi girl! I'm so glad you were able to get your new wires on the bottom as well! I would have done the same thing! I don't want any delays if I can help it. I will squirm in my seat for a minute but I will hold the temporary discomfort if it means progress! I've only been braced for 7 wks now so I doubt I will be getting new wires in my adjustment next week.
Please post pics as soon as you can!!


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 5:29 pm
by Dramagyrl
Okay, it's a molar build-up I have. Thanks for clarifying :)