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expander cutting into roof of mouth!!

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:30 am
by airxjordan24
has anyone experienced this before? i'm going on about 6 months with this expander, and tonight i felt some pain so i decided to take a look with a mirror. i noticed that the corner of the expander is cutting into the roof of my mouth, which would explain the taste of blood in my mouth. in additon, it looks like some gum tissue is growing over one of the legs of the expander.
I'm going to my orthos office tomorrow to have it checked out, hopefully they take a look at it for me even though my next appointment isnt until 2 weeks. here's a pic, so that you guys can see what i'm talking about... i circled the area in green:

any1 experience this before? :(

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:39 am
by babymetalmouth
I dont know whats going on, so no advice, but just wanted to say, you have my sympathy!!! :shock: I hope they get rid of it, becuase it looks like your mouth is trying to take it in or something :shock:

Hope you get better soon, they should sort it! Good luck!

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:38 am
by Dark_angel
Other people on here have experienced the same thing, i'd suggest getting an emergency appointment with your ortho especially if it is causing you pain. They may be able to position it better or take it out all together :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:29 am
by bethne3
I am the palate expander nightmare queen.
I've gone through 3 of them so far.

The same thing happened to me except mine was digging so hard that I couldn't sleep, it hurt so badly.

Make an emergency appointment. That should NOT be doing that. When I went in and my ortho saw how it was digging into the roof/side of my mouth she immediately removed it.
I now have a scar from it.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:22 am
by airxjordan24
just got back from my ortho. doc says its not cutting into my gums. the gums are growing over it. he said to stimulate the area with a tootbrush daily and it shall go down. :?:

we shall see. lol :cry:

Re: expander cutting into roof of mouth!!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 10:30 pm
by MyBracesMakeMeSad
I know what you're going through man...I have the same problem it hurts like hell. Idk what to do D: