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Pain duration question

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:23 am
by pippy
Hey there, so I've been reading through the posts about everyone having different experiences etc but am hoping someone can answer my question or relate to the situation....especially after reading so many where people really weren't bothered by their braces and were eating away again merrily quite soon. I am not normally wussy with pain - extractions were OK, spacers were fine etc. Mine have been on for just over 3 weeks now (yeahh) and this is just plain weird!! It feels like someone snuck in overnight and took to them with a spanner giving them all a good tighten!! I have not been able to chew anything since I got them on, and my have I been trying :oops: Even sticking to soupy yoghurty stuff its an absolute killer if the spoon accidentally touches a bracket. The clean up is becoming a nightmare as brushing even gently is enough to launch into orbit. And they just feel weird - like they are not my teeth but someone elses dentures or something lol I'm not xplaining that one very well! Anyway why am I worried - partly because of an impending adjustment in a couple of weeks and am worried they will still be mentally sensitive and partly because of posts I've read with regard to the early stages and lighter archwires etc...because seriously, if this is the easy getting used to it wire, I'm going to end up starved and divorced bytthe time these teeth are straight. SO not that I want anyone else to be having such a weird time but if they had, it would be reassuring to hear from them :? Sorry for long moan - there is a bright side in that I can see one has moved :lol: , I am just a bit anxious

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:19 am
by lionfish
Hi Pippy, another Oz person here. Like KK says, pain and/or discomfort comes and goes. But it definitely goes as well!

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:07 am
by sjsarre
Hi Pippy

I can sympathise with you completely.. The initial pain after having my brace put on lasted for what seemed like an eternity!! Rather than just the couple of weeks that most people seem to feel, my teeth continued to hurt for at least 4 or 5 weeks before they gradually felt like normal. Even accidentally touching them together sent shooting pains through my face!

Now i'm nearly four months in and my teeth are back to normal. I can chew and tap them together quite happily. The adjustments hurt for a couple of days but even after that they went back to normal...

Hope yours will sort themselves out soon.. In the meantime it really is just a case of eating soft food until you feel comfortable and ready to try something harder!


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:41 pm
by Dramagyrl
Hi Pippy
I won't say I am in the same boat, but I too am three weeks into the braces and not eating as happily as some have said they did. It really depends on the day, sometimes I can get on to hard food and other times it's even painful to brush. It's just different for everyone.
Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:24 am
by jessikah
i've had my braces on since july 18th, and i still can't chew properly. i can't bite into anything... it is too painful. i've been using my back teeth to chew. i'm yet to get my brackets on my two 7's because the area at the back of my mouth was still swallon from surgery. next visit i'm getting them on and my wires changed.
i've tried eating salad sandwiches... and i've had to pull the roll apart...eating each piece bit by bit... :oops:

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:31 am
by 36nBraced
i've had my top braces since 6/13 and there is always at least 1 tooth hurting. i tried biting into a bagel the other day and i thought i was gonna pass out. i didn't even think my front teeth hurt because i was doing so much chewing with my back teeth.

just hang in there. you'll be fine. i have my first adjustment to my top on 8/10 and i also get my lowers that day. i'm assuming right now that it will be yogurts, smoothies, ice cream, soup and soft foods for me again. maybe i can convince my 9 month daughter to share her baby food with daddy :lol:

I know your feelin.....

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:39 am
by Cor1
Hi Pippy, just wanted to say it has been one whole week for me and my teeth don't feel like my own either!!!

They feel like they are disconnected?? When I am brushing the front ones, its like I can't really feel them or they feel really wierd!!!

As far as pain goes, I can only eat on one side (small cut up food, that isn't too hard) the other side says NOPE NO WAY ARE WE CHEWING ANYTHING OVER!!!!

So you know your not alone!!
