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Good News and progress for my daughter! pics

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:14 pm
by Gennel
Well today my daughter had her third adjustment and it went very good! The ortho said that she had fast movement and she will not be in braces for the estimated 2 yrs! She probably has 1 more yr total at the most! He said she just needs her incisor brought forward ,which he will put that archwire in 4 weeks. Let me tell you she had the other top incisor the same way and it took 8-10 hours to bring that tooth forward! THe next step is to have everything aligned and her top teeth brought back and she is done! So she will be in braces probably a total of 12-15 months.
Here are her before and current pics. The day she gets her braces off he will shave her top front teeth .What I liked the most was to see how straight her archwire is compared to her before pic! She is also very pleased with her progress! Right now she keeps looking at that front tooth that is longer than the other one but she knows there is other stuff that will be going on and the ortho is very,very positive that she will be thrilled with her results.





Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 3:23 pm
by Pirate Wench
:tingrin: Beautiful Progress for your daughter. :tingrin:

That is fantastic news for your daughter...only about another year. :thumbsup: That is news that I think most of us would like to hear. Her teeth look fantastic. I bet she can hardly wait for it to be all over.

Congrats to her :dance:

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:12 pm
by Leslie022
Your daughter's teeth are looking great! She will love her front teeth after they are shaved! My ortho did it to mine and it makes such a BIG difference! Hope her progress continues to speed along!

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:29 am
by Joanna20
Nice progress!

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:56 pm
by jaynage
Congratulations for your daughter! And good to see that movement coming along too. I'm really loving those brackets, they look awesome! They almost make me wish mine weren't plain and boring ceramics ;)