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2 Years with extractions....

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:34 pm
by newmetal
Why is this? With option one which included no extractions the brace would be on for a year to 18 months , now option two with extractions means it will be on for about two years. Why the increase in time????Can anybody help...

Many Thanks

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:16 pm
by mindwaves
Option 2 takes longer because the teeth now has to move further to close the gaps in your mouth where you teeth once were.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:13 pm
by lilonething
If it's the same ortho, did (s)he say which treatement (s)he preferred and why? I have been wondering why/if I need extractions when my teeth used to fit in my mouth pre-wisdoms (out now). If would be great to hear the reasoning for both. If they can do it in less time without removing, why take out two perfectly good teeth?? Is it maybe less stress to the gums or something??

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:23 am
by Gennel
My daughter had no extractions and was told 2 yrs,however she's been braced for only 3 months and her ortho said her treatment will be about 16-18 months total.

I am also wearing braces and had two extractions on top and 4 on the bottom! So my estimated treatment time is 2.5 yrs. Who knows,it might be less??

It takes longer to close extraction gaps.


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:32 pm
by mominbraces
Adult teeth on average move much more slowly than
children's teeth.

After my ortho decided I needed 4 teeth extracted,
he said to expect my treatment time to be lengthened
by 6-9 months, to allow the gaps to close.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:29 pm
by Gennel
I have heard from several adults in braces that their teeth move fast/slow. From my experience I am seeing slower movement/progress than my 14 yr old. When the ortho puts the archwire on a bracket,it moved A LOT within 8 hrs. When he put a spring to make space,she had the gap in 2 days. For me it's taken 7+ weeks to see 2mm-3mm movement. Since I see my teeth everyday ,I dont notice the movement. The only way I realized that my extraction gap was slowly closing is because after the extraction I could fit my thumb sideways in the gap. I can no longer do that.


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:39 pm
by tin_grin
I had 2 extractions last week (one for ortho, one because of a fracture and tooth could not accept a crown post). My tx time is 18-24 months. I had another consult several years ago by a different doctor who wanted to remove FOUR teeth and gave me a tx time of at least 36 months. I'm glad I waited!

Best of luck with your treatment! I hope you come to a confident decision.


Braces on: 7/19/06
Tx time: 18 - 24 mos