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Courtesy call!!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:44 am
by Cor1
Well I had a courtesy call from my ortho hygenist yesterday afternoon, which I thought was awsome!!

She asked me how I was doing and I got to answer a few questions and get some information from her, cause I was wondering why it was soooo long between my first adjustment, and she told me that the first adjustment is a bit longer becasue of the memory wire they use, the longer it is on the first time the better............

I just thought it was kinda cool that they called!!


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:35 am
by Dark_angel
Im glad you like your ortho and thier staff and its always good to know they care for their patients.

But please get rid of that nikki avatar :twisted: i cant stand her.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:57 am
by Blonde_Metal04
That's GREAT COR1!
My Orthodontist himself called me the night before my appointment for my xrays and molds, and told me about how excited he was to be helping me ease my pain, and I loved it! Sounds like you have a great team working on you, Congrats!

Re: Courtesy call!!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:04 am
by newmetal
Cor1 wrote:Well I had a courtesy call from my ortho hygenist yesterday afternoon, which I thought was awsome!!

She asked me how I was doing and I got to answer a few questions and get some information from her, cause I was wondering why it was soooo long between my first adjustment, and she told me that the first adjustment is a bit longer becasue of the memory wire they use, the longer it is on the first time the better............

I just thought it was kinda cool that they called!!

Your nikki emoticon is cool ha

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:12 am
by rmwolf83
My ortho called me himself the evening that I got my back teeth banded and then the evening that they put the front brackets and archwires on. He just wanted to make sure I was doing okay with everything and to see if I had any questions and such. I love the personal touch, it really makes me feel secure that if I ever do have an issue or problem, he'll be right there to help! Congrats on finding a great ortho! Good Luck with your treatment!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:32 am
by Lisa65
The personal touch is great and makes you feel that much more valued.

Today (with my miniscrew implant problem) when I got to my ortho it turned out that he had already spoken to the OS who had put the screws in, who had gone to South Africa on holiday!
My ortho could see I was a bit upset and emotional after all the pain and lack of sleep due to the pain and asked his assistant to call me a taxi home and even said that the surgery would pay for it :shock:
I accepted the offer of them calling a cab but paid for it myself, but the fact they took the trouble to offer to do that for me meant a lot.

Glad you have a good team, Cor1 - it makes all the difference if you feel like they treat you as an individual human being and not just a faceless set of braces!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:51 pm
by hippyhippo
My dentist always gives me a courtesy call after he does any work on my teeth, just to ensure everything is good. And he does it on his own time too (after work hours). This is only one of the reasons I've followed him to three different practices -- I love my dentist!

I can only hope my ortho's office is as considerate.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:40 pm
by Echo
I had a call from my ortho the night before my consultation appointment. We recently started going to a new general dentist. My husband had two appointments recently for fillings. The dentist called him later in the evening both times to see how he was doing. I was shocked. It's great to know that they care, even after their work is done.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:48 pm
by ghotieyes
I get a call from my ortho assistants the day after I get anything done just to check up on me. They also sent me a card to congratulate me on finding a new job, which was completely unexpected, but very appreciated. I'm switching my ortho's other office, that is closer to my new job, so I'm hoping the staff there are just as nice as the one I started off in.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:32 pm
by mindwaves
haha...yeah, my ortho called me even before I was her patient. I went in for a free consultation and she told me that I needed to get some teeth extracted and I guess I walked out scared silly. So she called me that night to ease my fears and here I am now! I'm now a happy patient! haha