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ORTHO made a mistake?! Oddly placed extractions?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:30 pm
by bracketed
Okay so I am really worried right now.
My braces progress was going okay, but then on Wednesday, my ortho said he would have to extract two teeth. I assumed it would be a bicuspid or something. But he extracted two teeth that were in different locations, and the result really really scares me.

Below is a picture that I edited in Photoshop so it looks like the teeth are removed. (It's not me in the pic):

*I still have my wisdom teeth*


Notice how he removed one incisor, and how he also removed a molar!! Why? I know that if you remove 1 tooth from the bottom you can have an asymetrical smile - it still looks good (I read this girl's blog on how she had just 1 incisor removed) But why the molar? When my teeth fill in the gaps, wont I have an extra molar on one side? Won't that cause yet another extraction?!

I don't understand why he did this!!!
Sorry, but I am really angry right now...
Basically, can someone tell me what my final result would look like, and help else my fears.

Thanks for your time. :?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:03 pm
by jaswi
talk to your ortho, I"m sure he has a plan for it all. I'm sure he wouldn't pull an incisor without a good reason.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:29 pm
by Chris
Are you saying that the ORTHO did the extractions or a regular dentist?
I've never heard of an ortho doing the actual extractions.

From what I see it looks like you have both 1st and 2nd bicuspids gone with the 1st and 2nd molar still there. Did you have one of those bicuspids already missing?

PS. I just checked your previous posts, looks like those last teeth are wisdom teeth? Perhaps he plans on moving those forward?

I'm at a loss here. You best ask your ortho the exact treatment plan.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:44 pm
by jcdamon3
Count the number of teeth you have left and get back to us. The person in this picture has only 10 left. I kind of doubt that your ortho left you with only 10 teeth. Normally there are 14 left after the wisdom teeth are extracted. The person in the picture has had wisdom teeth AND four more teeth extracted. Are you saying you have had wisdom teeth and four other teeth extracted? If not I think you are trying to pull our legs. If I am wrong I apologize profusely but give us something real to go on here.

Thanks -

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:13 pm
by bracketed
@Chris: Yes, my ortho did the extractions. Is that not normal?

@KK: Yes, thanks for your reply. I bet there is a treatment plan, and I really overreacted. It's just that I always invisioned having that four teeth arch, and now it will be three. I am just angry that my ortho never mentioned an incisor removal - he only said bicuspids, and I swear he changed his mind at the last minute while doing the extractions. But I could be wrong.

The only teeth I've ever had extracted are two bicuspids on the top and one bicuspid & one incisor on the bottom. So 12 teeth remains. Wait, shouldn't I have 14? *confused*

EDIT: Oh wow. I just realised I was only born with 28 teeth. Does that mean I was born without wisdom teeth (well, never developing them later on in life?)

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:43 pm
by SamanthaClavier
I havent had anything pulled yet but my husband did.He had four wisdom/moloars(very back teeth LOL) teeth pulled (2 top 2 bottom) and three biscups 2 top, 1 bottom and 1 incisor bottom.Eight all together.I think thats right.He plans to push everything back.Maybe thats what your ortho is doing?I only have one third molar/wisdom tooth on top(its impacted,may need to be cut out later (it doesnt have roots yet.)Its possible you dont have those either? Heck you may have a tooth that hasnt came in/maybe the one you are so concered about?possibility.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:02 am
by fins
Most orthos refer you to a dentist or oral surgeon to do extractions.

I would get another appointment and sit down and go over how he plans on getting the teeth into position. They can fill large gaps - I had a much larger gap created on one side of my arch and the teeth all fit together beautifully, eventually, even though I couldn't for the life of me visualize how this could be done.

If you're really second guessing your ortho, get a quick consult with another ortho to double check on what's going on. Just explain your concerns, they give second opinions all the time.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:50 am
by ScottR

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:48 am
by Chris
Most orthos refer you to a dentist or oral surgeon to do extractions.

If you're really second guessing your ortho, get a quick consult with another ortho to double check on what's going on. Just explain your concerns, they give second opinions all the time.
I TOTALLY agree with Fins !

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:13 pm
by Kimber
I had no idea that orthos could do extractions, but since they are fully trained dentists before they go on for additional orthodontic training, I suppose there's no reason they can't. The dentists may have lobbied to keep them from being able to, though. It's all usually set by the state Dental Boards of what they all can and can't do. What country/state do you live in?

I second the last response, too. If you're concerned, don't be afraid to get a second opinion!

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:13 am
by jcdamon3
EDIT: Oh wow. I just realised I was only born with 28 teeth. Does that mean I was born without wisdom teeth (well, never developing them later on in life?)
There are people who are born without wisdom teeth. People in my family included. I was not one of the lucky ones :-(.

If you have 12 teeth left on upper or lower that seems perfectly normal. I think it is also normal to have a lower incisor removed. I think there are other people on this board who have had an odd (three) teeth removed. But I would be surprised if it was anything like the picture you are showing.

Good luck speaking with your ortho.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:16 am
by nvcarissa
I would suggest before you even go for the second opinion that you sit down with your current ortho and find out what your treatment plan is. Since it's not your mouth that you showed us, we really are shooting in the dark when trying to figure out what your ortho has in mind. Don't try second guess your ortho, find out from him what's up.