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Progress pic(s)SRY took so long!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:08 am
by SamanthaClavier
Enjoy looking at my jacked up grill!

I got my expander 3/8/06

on 6/12/06 i got my top braces only :( but its ok.

6/11/2006 before braces/expander only
6/15/2006 after braces

Ill just keep this page updated from month to month.I couldnt find a picture for april,but i am sure i have one around somewhere.My two front teeth, well really all of them had "huge" gaps b/c of the expander.I didnt think to take before picture so i "TRIED" to find some.So far i love how things are coming along.I still cant bite down on my right side,b/c a tooth on the left is stopping me.Dont get me wrong i can eat food but it does bother me and them i end up grinding on that one side!

i tried to load them smaller but photobucket isnt acting right.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:53 am
by SamanthaClavier
i was suppsed to get spacers my last appt?Myabe he forgot or maybe my top isnt lined up the way he would like?He asks me to close my mouth and bite down then he looks?!?!? i know on the left side of my mouth the very back tooth on top molar?wisdom? isnt lined up with the tooth next to it yet? but the right side is. here is a pic that kinda shows what i am talking about.its hiding.i couldnt find my paint program to point it out but its there barely.
look at the very last tooth on the left,its not lined up with the second from the back that has the expander attached to it.the rigth is though? maybe thats what he is waiting on?he tends to look at that side.when he tells me to bite down and smile then looks at the other.also the forth tooth on the right (count from the first tooth isnt conected to the braces wire?)my appt when i got the braces on he was putting the wire on and when he seen that tooth he gronded.i do remember him pushing like CRAP on that tooth to get the metal thingy on it.i think he pused down to far...i wonder what he is going to do about it.the reason i say that because the other tooth isnt pushed so far up,the bracket thingy is to close to my gum???????i donno maybe this time he will put spacers on,i really am not looking forward to getting bottom braces.i have a hard time flossing as it is :(:(:(Image

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:32 pm
by Joanna20
Great progress!