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Jaw ache after extractions?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:48 am
by the_bufster84
I had both my upper 1st bicuspids removed on friday and whilst the pain in the extraction site has gone I am now left with a dull ache/throb in my upper jaw. I have had teeth out before and never had this. When she was extracting my teeth the dentist was applying pressure on my 4 front teeth, kinda using them as a lever to get the teeth out. I am just wondering if this my have bruised the bone or something? I am having my braces on on friday so am hoping it will have stopped aching by then!

Thanks, K

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:47 am
by Smiley77
Hi there!

I recently had 7 teeth removed at once and had a 'throbbing' feeling 3 days later, which developed into a rather nasty infection! Unfortunately, by this time I was back at home in my country town, three hours away from my dentist.Please keep an eye on it, incase you have the same thing!

Hope you are feeling much better soon, take it easy :)