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How long to close extraction gaps?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:38 am
by LP
I'm just wondering for those who had long did it take to close the gaps? I had two molars pulled years ago on the left side, and 2 bicuspids pulled the day my braces went on.

I had powerchains put on almost two weeks ago and noticed movement that same night. It used to be hard to get floss between the teeth in front of the extraction spots, and that night it just slipped in with tons of room to flop around. Since then I haven't noticed ANY movement of the teeth aroung the gaps.

I know every situation is different, but I'm just curious how long it took for others. I have no idea if it will take 2 months? 6 months? A year?

Thanks. :-#)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:16 am
by Dark_angel
I had all 4 second premolars removed in late september of last year and i've still got the extraction gaps today. Two are almost closed and two are still rather large. But my ortho hasnt been concentration on closing the gaps that much although ive had powerchains a few times.

So im hoping around 12-15 months for the total time to close up. Im not sure about everyone else.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:20 am
by Henna_the_braceface
I had 4 premolar extractions in December 2005.. the gaps are still there wide and large. The springs I'm wearing to close them up aren't really doing their job at the minute.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:32 am
by LP
Thank you both. That sort of gives me an idea anyways. At least now I won't be watching them so closely hoping to see a change of some sort. My ortho said I will most likely be left with gaps (the molars I had pulled left HUGE gaps), that will need implants. So I'm not expecting them to close up completely, just hoping for some movement soon. I have a canine growing in behind my other teeth and until the one in front of the extraction spot moves I can't get a bracket on my very worst tooth. :(

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:07 pm
by pippy

I had the 4 bicuspids out just before bracing a month ago - I asked my orth about it (because I don't like eating with gaps) and he reckons a good 12 months before they are gone. Not what I had in mond but better to know and stop staring at them :shock:
Keep watching all the movement everywhere else - its much more fun!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:04 am
by sjsarre
Hi I had two upper bicuspids and two lower bicuspids removed about 4.5 months ago. The extraction gaps have closed up about 2/3rds and my Ortho reckons that they should be closed within the next two to three months so that will be 6-7 months in total.

I guess it all depends on your treatment plan. My ortho has had to concentrate on closing the gaps in order to make room for the real problems which is the severe crowding on my upper front and lower front. Otherwise my treatment would be completely static. He says my bite is pretty much aligned (molars etc)

I'm really glad the gaps have closed up so quickly. Especially in the last month.