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Got second opinion; relieved and ANGRY at current ortho

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:07 pm
by Painfulvanity

For anyone who may have read earlier posts, I sought a second opinion today regarding my bottom teeth flaring out (almost in front of top teeth) and my ex ortho told me I was doing it by pushing my tongue against teeth. I thought that sounded strange because I never did that before. I have looked horrible for the past 2 or 3 months and got really depressed and felt hopeless. Ex ortho also said there was nothing she could do and told me to just try and relax. (her exact words)

Second opinion ortho told me I would have been a perfect candidate for invisalign (which I asked ex ortho about and she said no way) and would only have to wear them about one year. I wore the torture devise, a quadhelix expander for six months and it did nothing. He said they don't really work on adults very well and I should never have had one. It didn't work at all and I paid a lot of money over those six months it wasn't working.

I have suffered needlessly and felt like there was no solution and it was all my fault and while it was a relief to get an expert opinion (he put a power chain on bottom teeth to correct the flare) I am beside myself thinking about the way I have been treated by ex ortho. She never saw me at visits unless I pushed the issue and then I met resistance from staff plus she never would tell me how I was progressing. Just wouldn't respond other than to say 'try and relax.'

Anyway, I am going to ask her for most of my money back that I have paid in, approx. 3 grand. My teeth look worse than before I started and not due to progress, but lack of proper care. The new ortho does most work himself and sees EVERY patient at each visit.

Anyone out there unhappy with their ortho, if your gut is telling you that something is wrong, get a second opinion! I will let you know how I fare in the refund. Thanks for those who encouraged me to get a second opinion.

There are good orthos out there that take the time to inform their patients, I just picked the wrong one. I have learned something though, if it doesn't feel right, get a second opinion, trust that instinct AND there is a solution to every problem. Ex ortho always made me feel everything was hopeless and things couldn't be corrected.

The new ortho spent more time with me on the first visit than the ex did in 9 months. GRRRR!

I suppose all's well that ends well but I wish I would have gotten invisalign. I knew my teeth weren't that messed up and it would have spared me a lot of time, pain and money.


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:34 pm
by katmc_tx
Cindy, it is awful that you had to go through all this just to find out your ex ortho is a wacko :evil: . It is so frustrating when you finally decide to do something this stressful, painful and costly and your ortho is an idiot. I hope that you do get your money back but try not to be surprised if it doesn’t workout. The main thing is that you now have an ortho that knows what he is doing and will make your goal of having a great smile a reality. Good luck and keep us posted as to your outcome. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:47 pm
by Marzipan
What you have gone through is terrible! I am glad you went and got the second opinion and have a better orthodontist now. I agree that the orthodontist needs to see each patient every visit, even if briefly. We pay a lot of money for it, and we're paying for his/her time and professional expertise.

Keep trying to get some/all money back. You certainly should get a refund.

Best of luck moving forward. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:47 pm
by shinyam
I'm sure women are great at many things, but orthondics doesn't seem to be one of them. :P

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:02 pm
by Xero
I'm so happy to hear that you got a new ortho! I'm saddened that your ex ortho did all that to you, though. An expander for an adult? Expanders should only be used for children! (I think)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:05 pm
by ShinySmile
It depends on the orthodontist used an RPE (rapid palatal expander) on me, and it has worked beautifully so far...he did a lot of xrays to make sure things were going smoothly during the month I expanded, and he said it worked as well as the children he uses them on. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:42 pm
by Leslie022
That's great that you found the new ortho! What are you going to do if your ex ortho doesn't want to give you your money back?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:39 pm
by ingyandbert
shinyam wrote:I'm sure women are great at many things, but orthondics doesn't seem to be one of them. :P
Please tell us you are making a bad joke, because that is an extremely sexist statement.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:13 pm
by missing_tooth
Let's drop any sexist jokes, it's really a sore subject for me. I don't believe sexist jokes against women OR men is appropriate.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:54 am
by Clo
Hi Cindy,

It is great that you posted this. I had to go to another ortho too after it
became obvious my treatment was not going the right way. I know it is not
easy to take this decision. But you are so right, somewhere deeply hidden
in ourselves is that instinct that keeps telling us louder and louder that some
decision needs to be taken when things are not right.

I hope your treatment will go better from now on and you will get the
results you want after all. Good luck !

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:23 am
by shinyam
Sorry if I offended you with my "joke." I was just trying to lighten the mood. :?