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Ceramic braces, gaps, and power chains

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:17 pm
by saycheese

I have a new Ortho. My old Ortho moved to an office closer to home.

This is the second time I've seen this new guy. Today during my adjustment he told me he hates ceramic braces because it takes gaps longer to close. I have a gap in the front of my of the main reasons for getting braces.

Anyhow, he said we'll see how it goes but you may need to switch to metal. I only have ceramic braces on my upper front teeth. He asked me if the previous Ortho mentioned this to me and I said no, she didn't.

I also had a tooth extracted before getting braces. I was under the impression that we were going to close that gap. He tells me we're going to move the tooth over...ouch! Then, he's going to send me for an implant.

Now that I'm home and thinking about it. I'm paying an extra $400 for these ceramic braces. I'm not wondering if that implant is going to be an extra cost. It was not discussed in my original treatment with my previous Ortho.

Was anyone else advised against getting ceramic braces because they don't work well with powerchains?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:03 pm
by lionfish

My ortho offered me ceramics or all metal, with no extra treatment time inferred using one or the other system.

I chose 8 ceramic brackets across my lower front teeth (the rest are metal), and two of them are attached to adjoining teeth that were a few millimetres apart to start. With powerchains, that gap has virtually closed in about 3 months.

I'm perfectly happy with the ceramics.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:24 am
by sjsarre

I've just posted re extraction gaps. I've got ceramic upper and lowers and my extraction gaps and gaps between my other teeth have moved quickly.

I'm not sure why some ortho's disagree with Ceramics, but they certainly haven't appeared to slow down my treatment. My ortho said he is extremely pleased with the progress i've made in just four months.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:36 am
by SamanthaClavier
i think my ortho said no difference.otherwise i would have got metal on top,now i kinda wish i would have got metal not clear b/c the ligs stain so easy :(

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:24 am
by Jared
My ortho told me that for my teeth--crowded and crooked--metal would do the work a lot better and faster. I got the feeling from him that cermaics are better for more minor cosmetic changes. Just my 2 cents.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:10 am
by x3trinity
Hi Saycheese!

I had 4 extractions, a gap between my two front teeth and a gap beside each one and I have ceramic braces on top and metal on bottom. I didn't even ask my ortho for ceramics on top I just figured I would get metal because I heard they were more expensive, but I was not charged "extra" for the ceramic braces.

And I just wanted to tell you that the gap between my front teeth closed within 3 weeks and then I got power chains for the other gaps I have and they are closing too! So I agree with KK and Sjsarre, I don't believe that ceramic braces are that much different than metal when it comes to treatment time.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:40 pm
by saycheese
Thanks, everyone.

Since he started his comment with the fact that he doesn't like ceramic braces, I left with the impression it's just his personal preference.

We'll see.

I just started with the powerchain yesterday. He wants to see me in 5 weeks instead of the usually 7 weeks.

My teeth are already moving. They're real sore today. My teeth haven't been sore in weeks. Also, for some reason, my top teeth are very sensitive to cold.

Happy adjusting!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:42 pm
by hippyhippo
I think it really depends on the ortho.

My ortho's office doesn't even offer cermanic braces anymore. I don't believe they're completely opposed to ceramics, just that the added frustrations they experienced didn't make it worth their while. Things like increased broken brackets, clients wanting their ligs changed every week, slower progress, more risk of tooth damage when removing, etc. Again, this is just from their own personal experiences... this doesn't mean all ortho offices experience this!

Plus, my ortho also thinks they look silly ("People will see that something is 'wrong' with your teeth, but they won't be able to necessarily discern what it is. So your teeth will be stared at far more than if you just had regular braces"), so he does have some personal bias there. :wink:

Anyways, the point of this post is that I'm sure all orthos have their favoured methods of getting teeth to do what they want. Just because your new ortho doesn't like ceramics doesn't mean they won't work!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:58 am
by Iccle_Peanut
Hi Saycheese, i'm having braces on soon. My orthodontist didn't even ask if i wanted ceramics. I had to ask him. I was a bit worried that if i opted for metal i might start to wish i had ceramics instead. Anyway i talked him into letting me have ceramics instead, however, he said he'll only put them on the front teeth.

If this helps, he also said ceramics take longer and he also said he braced his children in metal braces and not ceramics, he said that must tell me something!!!!! However, it might just make his life easier using metals?? I don't know?

Like everyone else has said, it's personal preference isn't it? If i want ceramics i'll have them, i'm paying for them......after reading this board i'm thinking of having metal braces though. I've read that people have experienced staining and i don't want this. I've decided to totally change my diet anyway when the braces go on, no more fresh orange, curry, tea and coffee, cola and chewing gum (veggie). I'll decide nearer the time and ask my ortho what he'd prefer. I'm only going to wear them for a year so i'm not to fussed, just want really nice straight teeth for my graduation photo in two years time :D

Good luck

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:14 am
by sjsarre
It is very strange as I have severe crowding and my ortho said my treatment time would be the same with ceramics as it is with metal.

It is a pain when the ligs stain but i've come to be good with the food I choose and only have curry now for the couple of nights leading up to an adjustment!!!
