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Starting my ortho journey with questions

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:21 am
by lemonlyme
I feel like i know all of you already, from reading all of your posts! Lovely people.

I have a general dentist finally (havent in 3 years) Anyway, i went to her and had a root canal done, then went last week and she said i have 3 more small cavities and says i need root planning done --which is $648 per quadrant!!! She said i have 3mm pockets up to 4 mm pockets, and from what i've read that really isnt too bad...I'm getting a second opinion and seeing the ortho on the 15th for my records appt, will he put braces on with me needing some stuff done? The lady on the phone said i'll be getting them on 1 week after my initial appt. My dentist is apparently VERY busy, she never has appointments except for weeks and weeks away. SOOO frustrated, i just want my braces on! Thanks so much for your input :)

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:09 am
by genxsis
I think the ortho would probably prefer that you have any dental work done first. At least that's what I was told before I got mine. When the braces are on, it makes it harder for the dentist to do what needs to be done, since they can be in the way. Sometimes the dentist will even remove part of the wire to get to certain places he needs to work on. That happened to me as well when my dentist filled a cavity. It became obvious to me that he wasn't as skilled at putting the wire back in as the ortho was.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:41 pm
by Chris
I always thought they waited until the pockets were closer to 5mm.

Anyway, I had root planing many years ago. No big deal other than longer time in the chair. They can do 2 quadrants at an appt if you like. Thereafter they gave me some prescription mouthwash that helps close the pockets.

I've got some 3 and 4 mm pockets right now, the dentist hasn't recommended root planing again.

If you are going to have it done, do it now before the braces go on.