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feels like the day i got braces all over (added Pic)

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:58 am
by susieq182
OK this is a pitty party in progress so feel free to join.
I got a filling in my upper right lateral on july 27. I had to have my upper wire off to have this done. I was supposed to go in Aug 3 to get my wire replaced, but my ortho rescheduled me (nothing new there he does it all the time). So i didnt get the wire replaced until yesterday afternoon. thats 12 whole days w/o a wire or pressure. So i expected to just get my old wire back and be on my way. Not so lucky I got a new heavier wire (the old one got "bent" when the assistant removed it) and some weird powerchain config. My chain goes from a bracket under the wire to the next bracket over the wire and so on. it feels like the first day in braces almost. My new wire has a weird bend in it instead of being like ( its like [. so my teeth are feeling the pressure. so back to soft foods again i guess for a few days.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:14 am
by genxsis
Ugh! :evil: Don't you just hate it when dentists and orthos mess things up and you end up having to suffer the consequences? But take heart! Remember, you made it through the first time! So now you know that you will make it through again. When we go through it all the first time, it's so hard because we think it's never going to end!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:15 am
by cynthia77
ouch sorry to hear that....just resist and be patient....elastics suck big should be better shortly though...

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:50 am
by jcdamon3
I am sorry to hear you are in pain- that really stinks. YOur cavity must have been too close to your wire. I just had a filling done on my molar and they didn't have to remove anything.

Luckily my dentist and ortho are in the same building so I would make them put it back on the same day/hour if it needed to be taken off! :-)

Hopefully this will never have to happen again.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:47 pm
by Jesslzz
Your powerchain is an interesting setup ... don't remember seeing one done like that before. Will be interesting to see it working!
As KK said...I never saw anything like it too. I get curious of these things...I always get surprises from my ortho as well! I know the pain is awful, but it will last for a few days only...When this happens to me I try to focus on the improvement made on my teeth. A change of wire is always a good thing, even though it hurts a lot!

Focus on the progress and keep up smiling!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:14 am
by brandee987
Wow sorry you are going through that! I have to have my wire removed also for some dental work. My dentist is an hour away from my ortho but I am gonna try to get it all done in one day. I hope!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:18 am
by susieq182
thanks for the support guys and gals My teeth are already feeling better. my canines are tender still but they ahve a lots going on. they are being rotated and moved so they are not happy campers. As for the wire Powerchain it must be doing somthing because now i have a gap between my front teeth it turned my left incisor from \ to l so i guess the config must have something to do with alignment. My ortho seem to think that i should almost be rid of my gaps by the end of september. fingers crossed we will see.