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The Story So Far...(Pics)

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:17 pm
by LoobyLou
Hi Everyone,

Just thought I'd post a couple of comparison pics from 4 months after having my braces on (Aug '05) and now (Aug '06).

Aug '05


Aug '06


I'm not sure that there is as much progress as I would have liked but at least that massive gap is now gone!

We're working on the bite and midline now...can't wait to one day have the teeth I've always wanted!

Love LoobyLou xx

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:27 pm
by sjsarre
I think your teeth look great... :D

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:43 pm
by Joanna20
Great progress! I hope u are done soon!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:42 pm
by LoobyLou
Thank you for your encouraging comments all of you. I feel my teeth look better when I look in the mirror but when I take close up shots I think they look really unflattering!!

Yep KK my bite is natural in both pictures - that's something I am pleased with as to begin with I had a very deep bite. Thank you for your positivity.

Lucyloop - thank you for your kind comments - it certainly does feel like things are going slow but you're right - we'll all get there in the end!

I think I will benefit from gum removal above the two 'smaller' front teeth which will help things look more symmetrical.

Love LoobyLou xx

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:43 pm
by LoobyLou
Thank you for your encouraging comments all of you. I feel my teeth look better when I look in the mirror but when I take close up shots I think they look really unflattering!!

Yep KK my bite is natural in both pictures - that's something I am pleased with as to begin with I had a very deep bite. Thank you for your positivity.

Lucyloop - thank you for your kind comments - it certainly does feel like things are going slow but you're right - we'll all get there in the end!

I think I will benefit from gum removal above the two 'smaller' front teeth which will help things look more symmetrical.

Love LoobyLou xx

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:31 pm
by jcdamon3
Thank you for your encouraging comments all of you. I feel my teeth look better when I look in the mirror but when I take close up shots I think they look really unflattering!!
I couldn't agree more (about mine). This is why I won't post pictures, because it is a bit depressing. At the end I will probably post some pics of full head shots.

And really no one EVER sees your teeth that close up. Especially when you have an unnatural smile because you are trying to show your teeth.

BTW, I think you have really nice teeth and your progress is amazing. Everyone I see on here has nice teeth. Mine are a bit worn down but it might be interesting for the older folks when I am done they can see my turnout.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:53 pm
by LoobyLou
Thanks JCdamon3 - Several of my bottom teeth are worn and they aren't as white as I'd like but I think we're more critical on ourselves aren't we.

I agree - slightly more distant shots are so much better!! Perhaps I should have posted a bigger version of my avatar as that was taken further away!!