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Today's adjustment with pics

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:27 pm
by KJM
Today's adjustment was good and bad. The good news is that I am done with elastics on one side and only have to wear them at night on the other side-YAY! :jump:

I also got a new wire on top and bottom so I am finally in a square wire on the bottom now. She also added this bumper thing to help rotate a wonky tooth that has been giving us nothing but trouble since the beginning. I am not sure exactly what she called it, anyone know? I have my fingers crossed that it will do the trick. Also I get to go back in 4 weeks instead of the usual 6. Not sure exactly why... maybe because of that tooth? Either way I am happy. :)

The visit itself was the bad part. I had a new tech and she took 20 minutes to get the ligs off! She was really rough and keep pinching my lips between my brackets. I have never had a assistant put so much pressure on my teeth, to the point I thought I was going to have to stop her. Ouch! :soremouth: To top it off, she forgot to add a lig to one of my bottom teeth and now I have to go back tomorrow and have it added.
I feel bad, she was really nice but she definitely needs more practice or something.

Here is a pic of my silver ligs, boring I know. :) I am hoping that since we now have a square wire the bottoms will start to catch up with my uppers.

Here is that bumper thing they added to one side of the bracket to get that tooth to rotate. You can see that the tooth to the right of the bumper doesn't have a lig... sigh

Needless to say my teeth are SORE tonight, but I am not complaining- every new wire is one step closer to the end. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:34 pm
by Henna_the_braceface
sometimes some brackets don't need ligs on. my orthodontist kept on forgetting to put a lig on one of my brackets and it was so that the tooth could move more freely. Then again the assistant could have forgotten or maybe she didn't... I know what you mean about the pressure the assistants give :( I go to a dental hospital and I have students changing my ligs...jeez its like they're gonna pull the bracket off!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:39 pm
by BrandiJeane
Your teeth look great!!!!

Ive always went with the silver also, pretty boring I know. My teeth are too yellow for color..

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:21 pm
by KJM
Henna- wow, I never considered that they had keep it off for a reason, I was only thinking that the assistant was new and must have missed it- I guess I will find out tomorrow when the office calls me back. :)

BrandiJeane- thanks :) I have gone with silver a couple times, but I usually pick a color. I have had light blue, light pink, fuschia, and purple (that one was my favorite) I guess that I am a bit "over" the colors at this point. Maybe I am just in a color funk. LOL :)

My oh My are my teeth sore tonight. Its 2am here and I just woke up out of a deep sleep b/c of the pain. I just took 2 Advil so they should be feeling better in a couple minutes though. Ah, the joys of braces. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:13 am
by KJM
Thanks Karen! I will be glad when my bottom teeth catch up with the tops... they have been behind the entire time because of this one tooth.

I actually felt sorry for the new assistant. She was really nice and right away confessed she was terribly nervous as yesterday was her first day. Hopefully she is more gentle on a normal basis.

How are you faring with your new elastics? I was glad to ditch mine ( well all but one side at night) They weren't painful once I got used to them but they were always in the way. I would always forget to take them out before I got to the table- its doesn't look very nice to take them out at dinner, esp when you go out to eat. LOL :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:14 am
by joney
Your teeth look really nice. You must be pleased with them. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:18 pm
by LP
Every time I log on here I learn something new. I hadn't heard of or seen that little bumper you have. I bet that's putting oodles of pressure on your teeth. Owwie.

On the plus side, you have really nice teeth! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:53 pm
by KJM
Thanks LP.
That bumper thing does put quite a bit of pressure on that tooth. It has only been a couple days and I can already see some progress ( although not as much as I would like, if I had my way it would be straightened out already. LOL) I guess I need to learn patience. :)

I am still not sure what that is called exactly. I am sure they told me, but sometimes my mind is like a sieve! It is even worse that my youngest goes at the same time that I do, so he is usually in the chair next to mine and I am trying to pay attention to what is going on with him as well. My next appointment is actually just me- and I think I am going to have them keep it that way from now on. Although its convenient, it is harder for me to get all the info/ask all the questions I want when there is two of us at the same time ya know?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:58 pm
by jenfire
The bumper thing is interesting. Hope it all works out for you. Your teeth are gorgeous--nice coloring :)