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wire tie pain

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:04 am
by missing_tooth
I had an adjustment just 2 weeks after my last adjustment to have the impact cainin tooth chain re-attached.

This time however, they put wire ties on all of the teeth. Wow this hurts, and this was one on monday, and my teeth are super sensitive. Should they be this sensitive for 2 days?

Also, has anyone else gotten all wire ties? Is there a reason why they would use wire over elastic ligs?

I plan to take a trip soon and got to thinking, will my braces set off the metal detector? I've heard they don't, but I have 2 arch wires, metal wire ties, and the gold chain that comes out of my gums. That's an aweful lot of metal.


- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:31 am
by lionfish
I've got wire ties on my linguals and some wire ties on my ceramics. When the wire ties are being tied in, they do tend to feel somewhat more sensitive than regular ligs.

You won't set off the metal detector at the airport, rest assured.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:32 am
by Bridget
Hi there!

I have the same wire things as you do! I did not have a choice whatsoever....for the first weeks, my ortho uses clear ligs (no colors available at all) and then you get those wires on each and every bracket! I got them last week and they bother me, too. My teeth are fine, however - it's just this rough feeling which is driving me mad...I use wax a lot these days.....

But I guess this will be getting better soon.

What scared me was when the assistant put the wires on and screwed them tight.....I thought she was pulling my teeth out :shock:

Good luck with your wires ....and I really believe it will be getting better soon!


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 11:37 am
by jaswi
I've had nothing but wire ties since day one. They replaced about 5 of them at my first adjustment, and man did the pressure hurt when they were retying em

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:11 pm
by missing_tooth
Thanks guys, glad to know that I'm not alone.

I did insist on color, but they only put them on 5 teeth. Shame because I have a full smile that shows all of my teeth. I dunno if they truely can not put them over the wire ties and or they are just lazy. I know she was reluctant to put them over the wire ties.

Ok ok ok.... so I love color. Had braces almost 7 months and all I want is a mouth full of color, but have not been able to have that yet :( So many pics going to be taken this month during my get away to. argh... I really hope they don't continue to use wire.

Thanks guys,

- Missing Tooth -