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Getting braces at 39 yrs old...

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:42 am
by krooner
Well, it's official. After 39 years of dealing with my crooked smile, I am taking the plunge and getting braces. I have the date written down (August 30) but I am still having a hard time believing I am doing this. I'm worried about them being uncomfortable and about changing my diet, looking like a 13 yr old dork (no offense anyone!), etc. I have a 16 month old and I barely have time to cook or anything now, so having to maintain braces and a new diet seems overwhelming right now! I know that may sound silly but I never knew how much work a baby was before and I'm old! LOL :lol:

Please tell me everything will be ok! I am getting ceramic braces on top and regular on the bottom. Ortho says it should take a year. I work in an office and I am also a singer (although I haven't sang professionally since having the baby). I'm stressing out about this but I'm also excited about finally having a great smile!

Thanks in Advance,


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:52 am
by lane
Hi Krooner and Welcome to the board!!

I am a 40 year who just got braces around 4 months ago and am so thrilled that I did...As a matter of fact, I could kick myself for not doing this years, and years ago! I have ceramic on the top and will be getting the lowers in around 3 months (ceramics as well)...I will be wearing them for around 2 years and am amazed at how much progress I see already..I say good for you and congrats on starting "the journey"...I think you will be overjoyed when you have that killer smile...Please send along photos and keep us updated on your progress! Try not to stress and just enjoy the ride....:)


Thanks Lane

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:55 am
by krooner
Congrats to you too! I have been reading on this board for a while and I've noticed that many people have the tops put on months before the bottoms. I was just wondering why that is?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:05 am
by joney
Hi Krooner

Babies are a lot of work I agree. I am 41 and my two babies are 13 and 16 now but I do remember what it was like when they were little. However a lot of people only find themselves doing this when their kids are getting braces and your baby will only remember you with lovely teeth whereas my two are used to my crooked teeth. Also your baby won't think that you should be spending the money on him / her instead of on yourself.

You are in a good place for support. I hope to get my brace next month and am sure that this forum will be a great support for me as an adult wearing braces. I have never seen such supportive comments from people, it is really a marvellous site.

Good luck on 30th :D

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:05 am
by joney
Hi Krooner

Babies are a lot of work I agree. I am 41 and my two babies are 13 and 16 now but I do remember what it was like when they were little. However a lot of people only find themselves doing this when their kids are getting braces and your baby will only remember you with lovely teeth whereas my two are used to my crooked teeth. Also your baby won't think that you should be spending the money on him / her instead of on yourself.

You are in a good place for support. I hope to get my brace next month and am sure that this forum will be a great support for me as an adult wearing braces. I have never seen such supportive comments from people, it is really a marvellous site.

Good luck on 30th :D

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:05 am
by lane
In my case, I have an over bite/crowding on the uppers and the ortho needed to start correcting the top first before fitting the bottoms...I'm very glad it worked out this way for me as I am able to "adjust" to the process alot easier with only having half my mouth in ceramics..Currently, I have springs on my uppers to start closing the gaps from extractions and have had little if any discomfort from them...Now I cannot wait until I get the lowers on.....:)

Image Image

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:08 am
by Lisa65
Hi Krooner
I'm 41 next week and just took the plunge to get braced too.

It's bound to be worrying when you don't know what to expect, but most people seem to think it's not as bad as they feared. Looking after the braces seems a huge ordeal at first but once you get used to the cleaning routine it really doesn't take that long.

Personally I had my bottom braces put on first. I don't have the top ones yet but that's because I had to have some other stuff done first. I'm not sure why different orthos choose to put the braces on a different times. Perhaps it's just to let you get used to one set instead of putting them all on in one go, which I guess could be daunting.

Good luck with the "journey"


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:14 am
by Izzy
Congratulations on taking the pluge. I did it myself one month ago at the age of 45.

I too was very worried about what I was going to eat. It turns out that after the first week that I can eat just about anything and my diet is very normal. I even have bite turbos, which cause additonal problems with chewing, but I adusted very quickly.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:02 am
by JaneBy
Gracie, I was braced at 41. I think we all have the same doubts, and all I can do is tell you...for me, it really hasn't been that bad. I can tell you right now, I'd do this all over again...time really does go by quickly.

Like KK, I really haven't changed what I eat at'll learn to cut up a lot of things (sandwiches are best eaten when cut into 12 pieces, apples need 36 chunks).

And you'll learn to always carry a toothbrush and toothpaste...but that's not a bad habit to develop!

Good luck!

Thanks everyone!

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:46 am
by krooner
Great advice from everyone. I appreciate the responses and will keep it in mind! More anxiety-ridden posts to come as it gets closer! HAHA


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:01 pm
by ssfw
Hi Gracie,

Congratulations on making your decision of beginning orthodontic treatment. I was also stressed out about beginning ortho treatment. In fact, when I was in the ortho's chair to get my impressions done for my expander, my first appt., I was still trying to decided if I made the right decision and if I wanted to change my mind. I knew I had to decide quickly if I did decide to change my mind. I almost did decide not to begin ortho treatment. But I told myself I knew if I didn't proceed with ortho treatment now, I wouldn't do it in the future but it would be on my mind for the rest of my life. All I can say is I am so glad I decided to proceed with ortho treatment. My orthodontist and his staff are so kind and this makes the ortho treatment kind of exciting and fun. I actually enjoy my appts. at the ortho's office. I have not had any pain from the spacers or my upper braces and hope this continues. The only thing that takes a bit longer is eating and flossing but it's not a big deal. My estimated treatment time is 20 months.

I hope your ortho treatment goes well and keep us posted.


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:57 pm
by lionfish
Hi Krooner,

I started this process at 53 and have already had one birthday in braces.

I went for the soft foods initially, but soon returned to my normal diet. I only ever go back to the soft foods after a big adjustment, and then only for a day or two until things settle down.

There is very little I don't or can't eat, perhaps the exceptions being corn on the cob and spare ribs, and hard fruits. So instead of biting into these things, I simply take a sharp knife and strip the cob or bone, and chop fruit into bite size pieces. Works a treat. I'm sure that you will find yourself eating what the rest of the family does in due course.

I also had a hard time believing that I was going to do this, but once you get going and get used to the feel of the hardware in your mouth, it becomes a normal part of your life.

The ceramics are great (I've got them on my lowers, I have lingual uppers) and at a distance are not visible. The only thing that will be visible is the wire, unless your ortho uses white wires. Most people won't notice your braces and, if they do, they will comment once and probably move on.

So, take care and relax, everything will be fine.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:41 pm
by snaggletooth steve
I think everything will be ok for you! I'll let you know in a little over a month when I get mine on. In my case it is bad enough that ceramics aren't even an option for the first part of treatment. I'd be a lot more comfortable with ceramics because I don't want to draw any more attention to my teeth than they already get, but I'll deal with whatever I have to at this point. Just tonight I was at a function where everyone was all smiles and shaking hands... while I'm carefully trying to balance between looking friendly and approachable without actually smiling. At 35, I think the discomfort will pale in comparison to the discomfort I've always experienced in situations like I was in tonight.

Anyway, good luck and glad youv'e made the decision. Have you already done the impressions and xrays or just starting on the 30th?


Now this is snaggletooth! Hehe

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:43 am
by Kell
Congratulations on making the decision to get braces! You're going to do great. I just turned 39 last week. I have 3 small children and I think that helps so much to make the time go by faster. You'll have so much going on with the baby that you won't think about your braces as much. There is definitely an adjustment period at the beginning but then you get used to them, as much as you can anyway. This board is the best for letting you know that you aren't alone and it helps me so much.

My diet hasn't changed at all. The first week I was careful because my teeth were so tender. I ate a lot of soup for a few days but I also attempted chicken because I was starving. The first couple of days I cut everything up into tiny pieces and put it in the back of my mouth to chew or just swallowed it without chewing.

Thanks again!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 5:10 am
by krooner
Thanks again everyone. The responses on this board are great! It will definitely help me in this journey because I feel like such a freak doing this at my age! :lol:

Steve, I have had the x-rays, impressions, etc. I just had to wait for my new insurance to change over (my company changed plans). So I get the braces "installed" on the 30th! It's coming fast!

Thanks again everyone. I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions so please have patience with me!
