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Headaches and Braces....

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:32 pm
by Blonde_Metal04
Hello everyone..
I am due to get braced on Wed. and I am just wondering about whether or not the pressure braces puts on the teeth and jaws cause headaches. I suffer from severe migraines, and am pretty sensitive to things that can cause headaches, such as bright light, running, getting up too fast etc...
So, if anyone has any experiences, or advice, it would be greatly appreciated to hear them :)

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:55 pm
by ssfw
Good luck with getting your braces next week.

I have had spacers, an expander and upper braces and have never had to take any pain relief. In fact, I usually feel some pressure on my teeth during my appts. but that's about it. After I leave the office, I have never been in any pain or discomfort and hope this continues. I have had my expander for almost 7 months and my upper braces for almost 3 months.

I hope your ortho treatment goes well.


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:10 pm
by Chris
No significant increase in headaches with braces here.
And I do get my share of headaches.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:16 pm
by akabraces
I get migraines too, but haven't had one since being braced!!! BUT I also haven't really had any pain with the braces, so maybe pain is something that could set you off, not sure...Hopefully you should be okay...

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:51 pm
by jmpmntwnty3
When I got my braces, I did have some pain .. but it wasn't my head. It was just my teeth. You should be fine 8)

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:42 pm
by lionfish
The braces per se have not given me headaches. I had some tension after starting elastics (which coincided with wire changes), but after 24 hours that disappeared.

You should be fine.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:29 am
by Blonde_Metal04
Hello everyone!

Thank you SO much for sharing, and wishing me well on Wednesday. The prospect of possibly getting more migraines with orthodontic treatment was really starting to scare me, but you guys have put my fears at ease! Thanks a lot... I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes! :)

Post subject: Headaches and Braces....

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:42 pm
by Zondrae
Hi there, I get a lot of bad headaches too. I've got spacers in right now & my braces go on in 2 days! I actually think our headaches will get better once we get our teeth sorted out. Thats my theory anyway :)

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:42 pm
by Gennel
I havent really had any headaches with the braces except for one day. I had so much done to my upper teeth in one day that I had sinus pain and that turned into a headache. This is very unlikely to happen to you .
I know how terrible migraines can be . My daughter suffers from them and we recently confirmed it was do to her TMJ. Since being braced for 3 months I don't remember her having headaches which is great!

You will do great on your brace day :)


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:56 pm
by jetxness
i get severe migraines (but now am on preventative meds that seem to be doing only took trying 5 types :shock: ).

one thing that hasn't been mentioned is stress being a migraine trigger. i could see something maybe happening if someone found dealing with their braces or ortho stressful?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:15 pm
by susieq182
Migraines depend on alot of factors I have had them since from what I am told about the age of 4. They come and go. I am not sure if braces have helped releive my symptoms, but I have not had a single Migraine since I got braces. I also got on a new treatment about the same time I got braces which is why I am not sure if braces had anything to do with the relief I am enjoying. Just make sure you cover all your bases and dont set yourself up to get a migraine and that will lower the chance of them. Remember to keep hydrated, stay away from chocolate, red wine, aged cheeses, red meat, florescent lighting (i know hard to do), keep well rested, and try not to stress. Also if you think you might have migraines related to hormones ask your doc about options to help control hormonal swings. Good luck with your braces and hope you keep your headaches under control.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:14 pm
by katmc_tx
Hi and welcome. I have had braces for about 7 months now and I did have some headaches in the beginning. When I first got my braces it did not take long for my bite to change and I could not close my mouth all the way. I think it was in part to plastic bumpers that where placed on my two front bottom brackets to make sure my two top front teeth didnt hit. My jaw started to really ache because I couldnt close my mouth and then my head would ache as well. But about a month or so later my bite changed again and I was able to close my mouth all the way and no more headaches. At least not because of the braces. Good luck with getting braced and your treatment.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:35 pm
by RainyDay
I just started gettin over one massive headache. I just got braced today. I popped an advil and am starting to fell better!!! I'm sure this pain will go away in a few days. I thought I was going to get away with no pain as so many of fellow bracers here have. I didn't have much discomfort with the spacers. But these braces are really kicking my butt today!!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:44 am
by Blonde_Metal04
Hello Everyone, and thanks for all of the replies!

I have been suffering from Migraines for about 3 years now, and have tried many treatments.... Getting braces is actually a treatment for me, because they will be fixing my bite, which will hopefully take the strain off of my jaw. I have TMJ so it should really help. I am hoping to not get any migraines while in braces-- of course this is far fetched-- but if it improves them like my Doctor and Ortho say it will, it is all worth it.

I remembered reading on here that someone was getting many headaches with braces, so that is why I wanted to figure out if this was normal or just rare in her case..
Thanks so much!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:21 pm
by blondie111
Hey there!

I too suffer from headaches, but I don't get any more than usual since I got my braces on. But I am supposed to be getting elastics here soon, so that story might change. I hear the elastics can be very uncomfortable, so I hope I don't get any more from those!

Good luck with your treatment!