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Diary of my treatment

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:37 pm
by totalwise
Ok here's my regular braces update that I have been meaning to put up for so long, but never go roud to doing it.

13 May 2006 (appointment 1)
My first days in braces, the crooked teeth are evident, I can't believe that I actually lived with that for 21 years of my life. The overlap at the front was paticulary bad, also one of the top canines didn't complete it's eruption due to the crowdting, as a result you can see that it has prevented me from getting a symmetrical smile, as one side of my lips are slanted where the canine is bulging out.

09 June 2006 (appointment 2)
The canine has come down beautifully, it is clear from this picture that the canine to your left (my right) is chipped, this was done by a friend of mine who catapaulted a stone at me when I was roughly 10 years old. I'm just glad it didnt get my eye. Also I opted for white ligs here (bad choice) in order to escape from ligature staining.

23 July 2006 (appointment 3)
Things look good so far, all the teeth are level now, however there is still a massive overbite, the teeth need to be pulled back.

13 August 2006 (appointment 4)
I've had elastics fitted to pull my teeth back, as a result I think some of the teeth have slanted, this maye need be rectified again once the teeth have moved back. I think its very clear on this picture that my upper iincisors are not symetrical, I guess I'll just have to live with that, it doesnt look too bad though. You may be able to notice a tinge on the rear lligatures, this is because the front 8 have been changed today . I have been gladly informed by my ortho that I am allowed to change the ligs myself without casuing any disruptions to my treatment. I usually change them once every 2 weeks. I can aonly be asked to change the front 8, so the rear ones looks so bad. You can also notice on this picture that my teeth have widened, one the first pic you could not see the rear teeth, but on this once you can make out the rear teeth. I think this may be the reason why a lot of girls have told me my voice has become sexier all of a sudden.

07 November 2006 (appointment 6)
Ok from the pics it seems that my teeth have actually gone worse, there is a reason for this. Since the teeth had all be straighted out, then came the messy task of closing up the gaps from the extraction. This has casued a lot of teeth to get bent again as the teeth moved back more gaps opened up at the front allowing the teeth to bend a bit.

I have also wasted 6 weeks of treatment time, because my ortho asked me to use single elastics, which didnt shift the teeth at all, so the whole period from appointment 4 to appointment 5 was wasted. On appointment 5 the ortho asked me to double up the elastics which skyrockted the teeth movement.

I was due for appointment 6 much earlier, in fact 4 weeks ago. But I missed it. The ortho was very busy so I had to wait 4 weeks to be seen again. So that's a total of 10 weeks of setback. But I'm back on track now. Hopefully by appointment 7 I should have overbite corrected completely, and the little gaps inbetween my upper front teeth sorted. Oh I forgot to mention I'm on a powerchain at the moment.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:59 pm
by Gennel

Overbite or no overbite. I'd take that progress in a heartbeat! Your progress is awesome. The progress pictures really let you know just how worth it this is!

Today I was feeling like "Damn it , I can't bite down on anything because of the spacers and supertight powerchain" I decided to take pictures and compared it to my first day in braces and I forgot all about any discomfort! My hubby even noticed a changed in my whole attitude. A positive one!

your progress are very impressive :banana:

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:10 pm
by ssfw
Hi totalwise,

I cannot believe the progress in just 3 months - your teeth look great!

I hope your ortho treatment continues to go well.


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:50 pm
by lionfish
Your teeth look great, totalwise. Awesome progress.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:14 am
by joney
That amount of movement in three months. I am very impressed. They look great. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:07 am
by totalwise
Just to let you guys know

One of the secret to my success has been to ecourage tooth movement by forcing the teeth to move to the direction I wanted as well as relying on the archwire. When I'm at home watching TV or something I'd gently force my canine down or push all my front teeth backwords to fill in the gap from the extraction.

The best way to explain this would be to imagine trying to get out the last bit of ketchup inside a glass bottle. You could leave the bottle upside down for a couple of minutes, gravity will get to work and eventually the ketchup will slide down. But if you force it out as well as rely on gravity, such as banging the bottle upside down on your hand you will get the ketchup out a lot quicker.

Simply turning the bottle upside down is like relying solely on the archwire, banging the bottle as will is like pushing your teeth along manually to speed things up a bit.

I know that I have made a lot of daring suggestions over the previous months that I have been on here, such as changing your own ligs, eating whatever food you fancy [apart from tumeric] etc etc, which many people have reacted negatively with saying that I am hampering the treatment and that ortodontist is best trained to do this sort of stuff.

But in my opinion, I feel as though I know a lot more than the average joe. I look at things from an engineers perspective and can appreciate the reasons for the different elements of the treatment. I have come to believe that the orthodontists are very conservative and would rather that the patient did exactly what he has asked simply in order to avoid libel action. Or reversing the good work that the orthodontist has done.

Taking such risks is down to each individual person, I have experienced 8 months of progress in the space of 4 months, I've had to go through excruating pain whilst forcing the teeth to move in a certain direction myself. I have persuaded the orthodontist to see me more sooner than he recommened, occasinally cutting down a 6 week appointment down to 4 weeks, or moving into a thicker wire sooner.

But in the end I know it's worth it. Id like to see the back of these dreaded braces as soon as possible.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:24 pm
by jcdamon3
When I'm at home watching TV or something I'd gently force my canine down
HAHA! When I was a kid I knocked my baby tooth out and when the permanent one grew back in it was sticking out further than the other one. (I had no tooth there for years). Anyway the dentist told me to do just that! Whenever I watched TV I pushed on that tooth. I have no idea if it worked, it might have straightened a bit on it's own. That tooth still looks different than the other one.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:58 am
by totalwise

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:30 am
by newmetal
[quote="totalwise"]Just to let you guys know

One of the secret to my success has been to ecourage tooth movement by forcing the teeth to move to the direction I wanted as well as relying on the archwire. When I'm at home watching TV or something I'd gently force my canine down or push all my front teeth backwords to fill in the gap from the extraction.

I thought of doing that but then thought it could do more damage than good? Does it work then?


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:39 pm
by kay
Damn, ur progress is amazing! I am gettin braced 2moro and can't decide between the ceramics and metal! But looking at ur pics it makes me think maybe ceramics would work quick too! As my ortho has recommended i get metals to complete my treatment quicker! I have an overlapping front tooth too and it does make my smile not symettrical also! But i think my overlap is slightly more bent than what urs was!!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:12 pm
by totalwise
Kay I would recommend going for metal,

ceramics stain a lot
ceramics are more bulkier than the metal
ceramics take up a little bit more treatment time (apparently)

You dont understand how badly I want to get unbraced, maybe it's OK for a girl girl, but being braces as a guy seriously affects my performance in the bedroom.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:23 pm
by newmetal
totalwise wrote:Kay I would recommend going for metal,

ceramics stain a lot
ceramics are more bulkier than the metal
ceramics take up a little bit more treatment time (apparently)

You dont understand how badly I want to get unbraced, maybe it's OK for a girl girl, but being braces as a guy seriously affects my performance in the bedroom.
Mate, that was much more info than needed. As a guy in braces i dont understand what you are getting at about it affecting performance. Although, i find it much harder to chat to girls i fancy as im always thinking they are looking at my metal mouth! So like you, i want these things of as soon as possible. How long do you have left?


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:50 am
by tyrablu
I can understand your apprehension. Since I have gotten braces you constantly think about the other person and not wanting anything to go wrong.

Dont let it hinder you though.
