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I cannot believe it

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:07 am
by Iccle_Peanut
I just rang up my orthodontist to book the app to have the brace fitted.....I've got to wait till 0ctober the 26th!!!!!!!!! I'm gutted. I can't wait that long.

How long did you lot have to wait between your consultation and having the brace fitted? I'm paying alot of money to have this done, sure if i was on the NHS i'd expect a wait but what's the point in being private when you have to wait so's not fair :(

I've just taken my piccies to, so i could start my brace story on here, but it seems it won't be happening.....

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:13 am
by skittley80
Hey there, sorry you have to wait so long. But just be patient, it will be here before you know it. Enjoy the time you have now and eat lots of caramel and hard candy lol. I had to wait a while to get into my ortho too, but I had to get some extractions done first so I guess that is why I had to wait. Just be patient, the next 2 months will fly me

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:59 am
by juf_84
Hi Iccle,

Sorry to hear you have to wait so long. I had a bit of a wait to begin my journey as well. I decided in early March that I couldn't live with my teeth anymore and rang the first (and only!) Orthodontist listed in the local phone book. They could fit me in on the 22nd of May for a consult, and from then I had a month before the braces could go on.

Don't let the time delay put you off getting braces- you have already taken the most important step, and like skittley has said, enjoy all the hard, chewy lollies you can, and don't forget the nuts!


Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:07 am
by ShinySmile
My ortho is super busy, so after my consultation I had an expander fitting a month later, and then a month after that braces were put 2 months. I think it varies with every office, even if it is private.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:39 am
by hippyhippo
Let's see...

Initial consuttation was first. I waited about 5 days before deciding this ortho was the one, and then I called to make my records appointment, which was about 10 days after that. I had to wait 14 days before my final consultaion so the molds to be made and so the ortho would have time to go over the molds, xrays, etc and come up with a treatment plan. Then I had to leave 14 days for my pre-authorization to go through with my insurance, because I'm not starting treatment without it! Then I get more impressions (tomorrow!), and 7 days after that it's brace day.

So all in all, almost 2 months!

Actually, I was hoping to be braced in early July, but unexpected surgery in May put me off track by almost 2 months. So I've been waiting for almost 4 months! Yikes!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:14 am
by mackenzie
Ask them to call you if there is a cancellation and they can get you in, or call every week to ask if there is an opening.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:48 pm
by Jillianleab
I had a long wait too. First I had the consult, a month later I got my x-rays and pictures, a month after THAT I had the final consult, then I think two weeks later I got my spacers in, and later that same week I got banded. I was frusterated at first because I wanted it to be over with, but when I would stop and think about it, I figured it was a good thing my ortho is that busy. I live in a highly populated area with a TON of orthos, so I figured he must be doing something right that so many people use him!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:48 pm
by jcdamon3
I didn't have to wait more than a week, but I am in a metro area with plenty of dentists. It's a good thing I didn't have to wait long, I might have chickened out. :-)

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:04 pm
by Joanna20
Hi! I had to wait from Feb. 14 till May 31st. Without knowing what was it I had in my jaws or anything. But I'm nearly not paying. If u are doing it in a private u shouldn't have to wait that long at all... it's ridiculous! I'd also expect that on the NHS but def. not on a private ortho.
Good luck,

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:42 pm
by jetxness
i waited a month and a half to get the intial consult (apparently i had called at a busy time, "pre-camp season") and they did the molds the same day. i got the braces on less than two weeks later though (i wasn't expecting it to occur so fast).

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:15 pm
by Zondrae
I had to wait 6 weeks from when I had my xrays & treatment plan done to get spacers in. Then a week later my braces went in. I was a bit impatient too but it went fast.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:03 pm
by lionfish
It was almost three months between my first consult and getting the braces put on. The time absolutely flew.

Its a long process

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:49 pm
by wiredkitty
Mine took ages (like 2 years) but thats because I stopped the process to get married. Then had to have a wisdom tooth out. Then had to have meeting with the oral surgeon (I'm having jaw surgery half way through). Then had to get insurance cover for the surgery. Then get appointment for spacers...

On Day 6 of full braces now.

Re: I cannot believe it

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:41 am
by KriegeR
Iccle_Peanut wrote:I just rang up my orthodontist to book the app to have the brace fitted.....I've got to wait till 0ctober the 26th!!!!!!!!! I'm gutted. I can't wait that long.

How long did you lot have to wait between your consultation and having the brace fitted? I'm paying alot of money to have this done, sure if i was on the NHS i'd expect a wait but what's the point in being private when you have to wait so's not fair :(

I've just taken my piccies to, so i could start my brace story on here, but it seems it won't be happening.....
At my last appointment at the beginning of June, I was fitted with a new archwire and then told that I needed to come back in 4 weeks for further impressions, measurements and photographs to be taken. I warned the receptionist that I had a holiday towards the end of July, just in case the appointments were a bit later than 4 weeks.

Well that turned out to be the understatement! The letter finally popped through my door the other day, and my appointment has been booked for September the 11th at 0945! That's 10 weeks!

You don't happen to live in Wakefield do you, because sometimes their appointments system is a bit useless!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:49 am
by Iccle_Peanut
Hey guys, at least i know i'm not alone here then.

KriegeR, i went for my first consultaion in May so in all about 5 months is the wait i have. I know i've waited ages anyway, but i wanted my brace on BEFORE i went back to uni. I wanted to get over the pain and get used to wearing i'm a wimp who hates any pain at all. I live in Trafford but am using an ortho in Manc.

I'll ring them and ask them about a cancellation then i.e. fit me in nowww!!!

Thank you very much everyone....and i'm really sorry your not going to get to see my pre brace piccies of my gorgeous smile :roll: