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Has anyone ever changed from clear to metal braces?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:24 am
by Painfulvanity
My ortho told me that removing clear braces is much more painful than metal. I have clear and was just wondering if anyone has switched over and also how painful it is when they are finally removed.


Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:49 am
by Blonde_Metal04
I'm sorry to hear about your setback, PainfulVanity....
It really stinks that this Ortho would just change his mind like that after getting you all excited..
Maybe you are some kind of liability since you have brackets that he doesn't use, and upon further investigation, he decided he couldn't take that risk?
Maybe he decided later that since he wasn't skilled in using the clear bracket system, he had better not try and wing it?....
It's a bummer to hear about this, but just try and stay positive, and things will pull through!

*Fingers crossed for an easy transition to a new ortho quick*

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:20 pm
by Dramagyrl
Hi PainfulVanity
Looks like you changed the original post a bit, based on the response below it.
So even though I'm not entirely sure about the question, I'd like to try and help.
There is someone else on here who has switched from ceramic to metal brackets (I've talked with them because that's a move I want to make). They have great things to say about making the switch and things being easier with those brackets, so hopefully that's reassuring.
And like KK says, I doubt the removal process would be any different for the brackets because it's the same bonding cement either way.


Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:03 pm
by leah
Hi Dramagyrl, I started my treatment with clear ceramic on my top teeth. I didn't have any extractions so they had to do alot of flaring or"bucking " of my top teeth to get them in allignmennt. So when it came time to start pushing my teeth back into place the ceramic brackets were not stong enough for that much pressure. Anyways there was no pain in having them removed. The only thing that bothered me was scraping the glue off. I am 100% glad I did it the metal brackets they are smaller, no sharp edeges, and just alot more comfortable in general and I have not had a bracket break off since.. with the ceramics they would break all the time...
Hope any of this helps.
Best wishes,