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One of those days...

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:41 am
by kana
whereby I feel totally blah about my teeth and my braces. From within me just screams "I can't take it anymore! How much more longer am I to bear with this!"

Sorry for posting this negative thought when everyone else seems to be really optimistic.

Just that I haven't seen any good movement for a couple of months. If any worse, my front left teeth always gradually start to move back to its original position, and months after months, this has been the case.

Has anyone met with this situation here? Or am I the only one? The crooked tooth moves to be somewhat straight after adjustment, but after a week or 2 it starts to move back to original crookedness(if there's such a word). :( this has been repeating for around 3 to 4 adjustments already. why is it so?

I'm starting to really doubt my ortho a lot, and this is a bad sign. My teeth is a mess and I feel like he didn't really bother much.

What can be done?

Anyway, once again, sorry for all the ranting.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:10 am
by kana
Hi KK,

thanks so much for your reply! It really comforted me. My ortho is probably one of the best and most experienced orthos around here. He has done braces treatment for all my 3 older sisters(see how this evil teeth problem runs in the family? ) with marvelous results and all 3 highly recommended him to me.

But yet I don't feel the same way, probably because I tend to compare with my sisters the treatment time and results...they all got their retainers on in less than 1 year and half :shock: but it seems like it's taking such a long time for me(it's gonna be nearly 9 months since my braces are on and my teeth is still in a mess, like I've said in my previous post) and I just can't bring myself to trust my ortho.

But I will try to ask him more questions and try to communicate more with him like what you advise. Hopefully, things will change for the better for me.

Once again, thanks alot for your kind reply and I hope for your treatment to go smoothly as well :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:46 am
by ssfw
Hi kana,

I'm glad you have an orthodontist that you like and feel you can talk to. Be sure to ask questions at your appts. - this is what helps me most - I write down my questions as I think of them between appts. and ask them when I see him and as always, he's great about answering every question.

Also, did your sisters have braces while they were teenagers because if this is the case yours may be slower due to you being an adult and I have read in other posts that movement for adults is a bit slower than for people under approx. 18 years old.

Good luck and keep us posted. Don't get frustrated - I really feel if you ask your questions of why certain things are happening you will feel alot better about your ortho treatment.
