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teeth hurt

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:14 am
by tamsteve
Hello, it will be a week tomorrow that i got my top braces. Is it normal for the teeth to hurt? I mean i know they are going to hurt but, it seems to change teeth. One day it's my back molars then the next it's my front tooth. They really hurt, like throb after i floss. Just wondering if this is normal? I'm so scared that i'm not cleaning my teeth right...i brush after every meal and use the waterpik..and i can floss now, even though it seems the flossing is making some teeth like throb. Another question is does it seem like your bite is getting different? Sometimes when i talk my top teeth hit my bottom, which hurts for a second but, i never did that before the braces. I will put pictures up as soon as i understand how to do it...i'm learning LOL! Thanks for all the help...this site is a lifesaver!!! :(

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 11:38 am
by jcdamon3
I think it is normal to feel pain for 3 to 10 days after getting braces on or an adjustment. My teeth throb too after an adjustment when I floss. At first I won't even floss then I will floss and go OW! Why did I do that? My bite is still changing after 1 year.


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 11:47 am
by tamsteve
Wow Karen, I just read your journal of your progress with your braces!! You've been a long way and boy what a difference in your teeth!! It makes me excited to see a difference in mine! I guess everyone's progressing times is different. I've always wondered if i'm brushing and doing the floss stuff to much but, i guess i'm not. I can't really see my rubberband thingy's that good cause they are, hopefully i will know if i loose's weird though cause i have like light blue tab looking things on some of my teeth.....i should have asked what they were when i left the ortho but, that first shock of seeing them in his office i didn't really notice the blue till i got home...i will put a picture on here soon, i have to get hubby to take a pic cause i can't by myself they come out really blurry. Maybe you can understand what i'm talking about with the blue tab things. If you do loose a rubberband, what damage will it do? Do they actually move your teeth? thanks for being so responsive and i really enjoyed reading your journal. 8)

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:44 pm
by Gennel
Everything you are mentioning sounds pretty common. I had different teeth hurting at different times. I thought I was not doing something right.I thought I hurt my teeth . Sometimes I could not fit floss between certain teeth and it would hurt/throb for a few seconds up to a minute when I took the floss out. Then two days later the floss went in with no problems or pain.Ive been braced for about 9wks and now my front tooth hurts a lot if I touch it . Things will settle down for you within another week or so. I was fine 2wks after getting braces. It is normal to have tenderness and pain after an adjustment,sometimes you won't feel anything until 24hrs later! Your bite changes constantly and sometimes your teeth wont meet or they hit another tooth.
They settle down soon though


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:50 pm
by Kimber
You're experiencing pretty much just what I did -- shifting discomfort, bite changes, compulsive brushing at first :D It's strange that when you look in the mirror, you don't see that much change -- but you can sure feel it when you floss and run your tongue across your teeth.

Welcome to the club!