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What shall i do?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:07 pm
by Iccle_Peanut
I have a some of you know i'm getting braced in oct (see my ranting post) but i've got to make another decision.

I'm having a fixed brace on my top teeth. I noticed in the past few weeks my bottom teeth are moving and overcrowding. So i thought 'oh i'll get the bottoms done after the top are fixed.' However after a visit to my dentist today i've been told to have them done at the same time!

I need a crown on my lower right (6) and have a heavily filled tooth on the lower left (6) from my previous dentist messing my teeth up and doing things wrong :cry: So basically my dentist has suggested i have these two teeth removed then get braced on the lowers. I'll have fewer 'problem teeth' so i reckon i might go for it....

Do i get them done at the same time? I can't believe it....i'm going to be skint :cry: I'm seeing my ortho soon but he just says 'i'll do what you want' so i'm baffled.

I'm so glad this board you can probs tell

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:30 pm
by jaswi
Well for one, dont have any teeth removed just cause your dentist says you should remove them for orthodontics, let your ortho make that call.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:56 pm
by Attagirl2
Also, if your orthodontist says, "I'll do what ever you want me too", find out if it is within reason. I know that mine has said that, but has also let me know when something is outside the realm of what can be done with my teeth. If necessary, get a second oppinion.
What will the bite be like if those perticular teeth are removed? All this said, it could be that it is the best route for you...

I wish you well.