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My Last Meal...

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:33 am
by hippyhippo
My brace-day is only 5 days away, and I'm starting to plan my meals accordingly. That is, by picking food / meals that I won't be able to eat right after I get my braces on.

So far on my list is:
* Pizza
* Sushi
* Chicken souvlaki in a pita wrap
* Cajun chicken burger
* Spinach salad
* Movie theatre popcorn

Any other suggestions? What did you all have for your last meals? Oh, and I don't eat red meat, which is why steak and such isn't on my list -- I won't be missing them!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:30 am
by Betty Bat
Since you sound like a carnivore, ...

Have a big juicy hamburger! It may be a while before you can bite into one of those. That's the one thing I've been missing since I got braces. I could have a hamburger now if I cut it up into bite-size pieces, but that just isn't the same.

My last meal was a Chicago-style deep dish pizza and a Snickers bar. Both were very good, but I still miss my burgers!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:28 am
by katmc_tx
hi hippyhippo and just let me say you have the right idea. candy, candy, candy. As you can tell I like candy and I didnt get to eat enough of it before I had my braces put on. But with all the time, frustration, pain and money that goes along with these suckers its probably a good thing we are not supposed to eat a whole lot of candy. Good luck with your teatment.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:30 am
by Izzy
I normally don't chew gum, but in the last two weeks before I got braced I chewed it every day or so. I guess it was just the knowledge that I could not have it for a year or two!!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:08 am
by OneTime
:D Only thing I don't consume much is soda.

I cannot give up any meals.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:21 am
by JaneBy
lots of crunchy raw baby carrots (dipped in ranch dressing)

popcorn, then more popcorn

corn on the cob

and a sandwich on the most thick crunchy chewy bread

and enjoy biting into an apple


Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:18 pm
by tamsteve
I've been in braces a week today!! I ate alot of soup!! I am still careful with what i eat cause it hurts to actually bite down with my front teeth. The other night i had grilled chicken, baked potatoe...mmmmm it was so good!! It takes me twice as long to eat but, it's worth it!! And boy i would be lost without my waterpik!! I got one at walmart...about 25.00 and use it after every meal and it works so good!! I do miss popcorn though :cry: Oh and my ortho also said i could chew sugarless gum...which i would have been lost without but, it feels different chewing it with braces!! My real test will be saturday at my hubby's 20th class reunion...i will probually eat before we go cause i'm so paranoid at food all in my braces!! It's also our 18th anniversary wish me luck saturday !!loucjavascript:emoticon(':jump:')

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:35 pm
by hippyhippo
Thanks for all the great ideas!!

I think I'm going to buy a bag of licorice tomorrow and ruin my diet completely by pigging out on it! Yum :) Thanks for the candy suggestion! I may also have to add a Coffee Crisp to my candy list. Mmmmm....

Since I don't eat red meat, I'm not a hamburger fan. I do eat veggie burgers, but I'm not adverse to eating them outside of a bun, so cutting them up shouldn't be a huge issue. Good idea though!

The sandwich suggestion made me add another item on my list: Vietnamese Sub! YUM!

I'm not a corn on the cob fan, so that won't be a worry for me. Actually, I could have eaten it the other day but I turned it down. I blame my father for that, because growing up he would want to eat it practically every day in the summer. I am still sick of it!

Apples were another great suggestion, but I always cut them up when I eat them now, so I wasn't overly concerned. I think I'm still going to buy a bunch, but that's just because they're tastey!

Since soda was mentioned, I have a question: Does anyone know if the new Nestea Zero (with splenda) is really bad for your teeth? It's non-carbonated, so I'm hoping it's not as acidic as some of the diet sodas out there. It sure is tastey (and no calories!).

Thanks again everyone! But please keep adding more suggestions :)

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:04 pm
by Kimber
Don't forget tortilla chips (hard and crunchy) and caramels (sticky and gooey)!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:07 pm
by nvcarissa
Have some nuts and chips and salsa. Tortilla chips are bit harder to navigate once you have braces, so have a bowl before you get braced.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:34 pm
by sharonm
I have been totally piggin out because I know I won't be able to eat that much.Eat the biggest burger you can find!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:58 pm
by sharonm
Well I plan to be eating better food when I get used to the braces anyway,just for my health.I seem to be eating too much junk anyway and I think may help a bit

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:31 am
by lionfish
hippyhippo wrote:Thanks for all the great ideas!!

I think I'm going to buy a bag of licorice tomorrow and ruin my diet completely by pigging out on it! Yum :)
Funny that you should mention this, but I had a licorice craving this afternoon and just had to have some. Four twisted strands later.....I think I'm over it for a while.

I think you may find that after the initial acclimatisation, you will gradually drift back to the foods you normally eat now.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:13 am
by lionfish
Chocolate coated licorice, KK....OMG....

I was really bad tonight, couldn't stop myself from hoe-ing into the Nestle truffle choccie, as if I hadn't had enough licorice earlier on!

I've got a friend coming up from Adelaide on Sunday and something tells me she will have a bag of Haighs with her...

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:31 pm
by ghotieyes
Tortilla chips and granola bars get stuck all over the place for me. And 3 weeks into getting braced and even thinly sliced carrots were a challenge for me. And sweet sticky fillings like in fruit cookies or chocolates take forever to suck off too. A lot of people complain about rice getting stuck everywhere, but it's a staple in my diet, so I just learned to deal. I love sushi, and still eat it. Just have to make sure I don't have chunks of seaweed stuck in my teeth afterwards. It's not very attractive =)