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Wisdom teeth extraced while wearing braces?!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:15 am
by ~CanadianChick~
So initially I asked 2 times if I needed to get them pulled before and both times by the ortho he said no. Well now at the 6 month mark I go in for an adjustment and he says that I need to get them out ASAP. So i have an appointment for the 24th to get all 4 out. 2 are half out on the bottom and the top 2 havent come out at all.

Has anyone got theirs taken out while wearing braces? Is it more painful with the arch pressuring on the area around it??

This will be my first time under anesthetic and first time getting any kind of surgery..Any tips would be helpful!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:28 am
by toon-town-brace-face
I think it's pretty common to have that done while wearing braces... at least that's what I was told seeing that I'll have my braces for 1 year when I get my wisdom teeth yanked! My ortho said a bracket may pop off in the process but he really didn't think it would be a big deal (and there will be plenty of chiseling as my wisdoms are pretty nasty).

Hope this helps!

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:44 pm
by rsprouse
It's not the most common thing because most ortho's prefer to get brace cases completed before 3rd molars erupt (usually around 18, sometimes later). But it does happen and not a big deal. I suggest IV sedation, had it done on myself and it made all the difference. When you are on the other side taking them out it is better too :wink: But even if you choose to only have local you will not feel any pain.

Recovery is different from person to person. I have seen people out of commision for a week and seen people out eating a burger the night of the procedure. Just plan to take it easy and you'll be fine.

Good Luck,

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:25 am
by lionfish
I had a lower wisdom tooth pulled 5 months into treatment. It was fully erupted. I had it out at 12.30 pm and was back in the office at 2 pm. No painkillers were required. But it was only one tooth.

There was no problem from the tooth next to it (attached to the wire).

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:49 am
by nimo
I had five teeth (three wisdoms, two pre-molars) pulled a few weeks after getting braces on. I had almost no pain, had no problems, and I laid around and read books for a week. No big deal. I had tons and tons of crowding, so my teeth started moving right away after those extra teeth were taken out (it was practically noticeable overnight), but even with the extra movement I didn't have much pain.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:02 pm
by Azalin
I had all my wisdom teeth pulled at the one year point. They were all below the gumline, and there was no pain. The only problem was the massive swelling.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:11 am
by Joanna20
Hello, I have had an upper wisdom tooth pulled last month, it wasn't impacted, but nearly! It was fine, now the teeth are moving backwards slowly. I also asked my ortho if I would need to have it out be4 braces and she said "no, u can do it later". Sure, it screwed my left side but whatever! Ortho's often make mistakes like these when they are busy!
Take care,

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:57 am
by jenfire
Hi ~CanadianChick~. I had a wisdom tooth (lower left side) removed a couple weeks after getting my lower braces. I knew the wisdom teeth had to come out but the ortho said that I could have them removed before, during, or after ortho of course I put it off. Then, the one wisdom tooth started aching (it had a large cavity); it was exposed. I ended up having to go to an emergency dentistry place b/c it was July3rd and my regular place was closed for the 4th of July holiday weekend. It wasn't too bad being removed--just some swelling for a bit. The pain meds they gave me were kinda bad though--knocked me out for the day.

I don't think the braces created any additional complications. I will have to have my other 3 wisdom teeth out at some point. I think I only had to pay $50 when I had the lower left removed (insurance picked up the rest).


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:22 am
by SDFD TSchott
here is the only advice I will give for wisdom teeth, after the extraction don't do anything for 24 hrs brushing teeth, spitting and gargaling water. After that first 24 hrs then you want to start a warm saltwater rinse don't gargal like you would just swoosh it around by moving your head, that will help for a quick healing process.

SDFD TSchott

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:13 am
by ~CanadianChick~
Thanks guys for all the great responses.
I've read a lot about dry sockets and what I can do to avoid it so hopefully I'll be lucky in that department!! I dont smoke so thats a bonus!

Man its costing me 1100 to get all four out...Good thing I get 80% reimbursment! Man when this whole braces experience is over I've spent well over 8G's on my Grill! hahahha love it!