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I got my braces today

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:03 pm
by Bluemoonjo
or yesterday (8/17) lol depending on how long it takles me to type :D


Went smoothly my appt was at 8am and I was leaveing at 10am. No pain or problems while I was there.

But .... Now my teeth won't touch :shock: One tooth can't move down because of a molar band .... so it won't let me close any of my teeth :-((

I think I'm going to starve .... bought a blender, so I had banana, strawberrys, ice cream and milk for dinner (KFC mashed pototes & gravey for lunch, tried to eat chicken but couldn't)

If you have any good blender recipes, please share :)

Dentist says my teeth will adjust, hopefully they do soon because I'm hungery lol

They are starting to hurt, and I can't floss between my front teeth I noticed tonight...

Supposed to have them 20 months... picked lavender rubber bands this time.

Anyway LOL What everyone wants to see

Before my dentist appt.


After my dentist appt.


Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:11 pm
by Kimber
Welcome to the club! It doesn't seem like it right now, but you will eat again! It's amazing how suddenly we become fascinated with foods when we can't chew anything. Lynn has a great page of ideas on this site for soft foods. There are actually a lot of things you can eat: oatmeal, cream of wheat, yogurt, smoothies, apple sauce, mashed bananas, soggy cereal, soup, mac n cheese, soft pastas, refried beans, cheese enchilladas, tofu, meatloaf, ice cream, pudding, custard, vegies steamed really soft. What am I missing?

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:44 pm
by Bluemoonjo
I can't figure out how to get the pictures to show up here lol
I'll try again after I get some sleep :)

I'm going to make meatloaf tonight for dinner. If I can eat it, I'll make a bunch of small loafs and freeze them lol

Thanks you all the ideas on what to eat :D Guess I'll have to go to the grocery store.

Guess what my dh brought home :evil: a can of cashews (nuts) .... says he thought they'd be small enough to eat. Made him read my list of can't have items lol
He also got floss threaders, itty bitty brush things, and more wax... so I won't beat him this time I guess LOL

LOL I have alot of wax on for bed. You can't use to much can you? Figured I should be comfortable while I sleep :)

Oh I forgot about the salt water, I'll go do that before bed.

Thanks everyone :)

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:48 pm
by Zondrae
Hi Mary, welcome to the "braces on in August club" :) I got mine on Tuesday & can't eat either, so I know how you feel. My back molars don't touch anywhere because my overbite is so bad. I feel really weird right now. And I've discovered I can't get floss between two spaces in my front teeth either. I'm amazed teeth move so quickly!

Now where's that jelly......

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:29 am
by Bluemoonjo

I switched over to the other place and it worked :)