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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:51 am
by Tin Indian
Hey Guys, Just wanted you all to know what a positive impact you all have had as to whether to get braces or not to get braces. I myself have antagonized for years whether to settle for okay teeth or having a smile of a lifetime. I mean a 50 something guy like myself just doesn't jump out of bed one day and decide that he wants to be another metal mouth. So last week I had my first two consults with a couple orthos in town who cater to adult cowards like me. They both said I have minor crowding on both arches with a 3mm overjet (what ever that is) .One suggested braces for the bottoms for sure and some veneers for the tops while they other wanted braces for both top and bottoms What blew me away was is they said I didn't need anytype of banding on the rear teeth and could get molds made and braces in just one appointment. They both quoted between $3750. and $4000 for the bottoms and between $4500. and $5000. for both arches. I have yet to decide but like I said before , if it wasn't for watching all the posts over the last year or two I would have not gone this far. So THANK YOU ALL. Tin Indian- over and out.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:07 pm
by rexthedestroyer
Congrats for taking the first step bro. I say go for it. Your 50 right? You got about another 50 good ones left in you. Might as well have a great smile during this time.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:02 pm
by MrKadash
It's nice to know there are some older gentlemen out there taking the brace plunge. At 36 myself, I felt somewhat skittish about my second go around. I am anxiously awaiting the 29th of August for my ceramics (upper and lower) and 12-16 months of treatment time. Best of luck to you guys....

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:27 pm
by RainyDay2
Tin Indian, Go for it. As rex said...your teeth will be braced and de-braced in not time. Nothing to lose and so much to gain!


Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:46 pm
by Tin Indian
:D Hey Everybody, Thanks for all the kind words and positive comments on my very first post. Sure made me welcome into the fold. :shock: My suspected bracing date is on September 1st. That way I can use the weekend to ready myself into going to work after the long holiday. I plan to go with SpiritMB composite clear up top and Damon3s on the Bottom.Insurance kicks in up to $1500. for adults thanks to the hubbys dental plan at work. Now I have a couple of question myself to anyone who would like to reply. 1) Does anyone know the difference between a male and female smile. I heard the female smile is just a little bit softer and subtle . and 2) Has anyone had their braces put on after seeing what their sposes or s/o had done or vice and verses. and finally 3) Has anyone had the what have I done question on their minds after treatment.I'll try keep up with postings and post some picture myself when I get mine. So thanks again everybody. :!: Tin Idian- over and out.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:02 am
by jennielee81
I can only answer #3.

YES!!! I still, after 16 months, have that feeling. Not very often any more, but it still sneaks up on me.

I know I'm doing the right thing, as you are, and it'll be done and I will never second guess what I did.

It's ALL GOOD!!! Well, maybe except for picking the food out from around the brackets... :yikes: