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Disclosing Tablets making tongue & gums bright pink

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:30 pm
by babykitten75
Hi All :D

I just got braces 8 days ago and I was told to use the Disclosing Tablets once a week and yesterday was my first week so I used one and it stained my tongue, gums and my lips a little bit bright pink and I couldn't get it off my tongue. Is that supposed to happen and what is the easiest way to get my tongue color back and off my lips. (I'm just glad I wasn't going anywhere after because I had bright pink spots near the inside of my lips). :P

Also, I know I was supposed to spit it out but was I supposed to rinse my mouth out because all my teeth were PINK and there was a few spots in between my teeth that were actually RED. Am I doing a bad job brushing or was I ONLY supposed to focus on WHERE my teeth are RED? :oops:

I know a lot of you have used Disclosing Tablets. Please reply to what has happened to you when you used the Tablets and what pink means and what red means and if I'm doing a good job brushing or not. Because I thought I was doing a great job but now I am CONFUSED! :Questions:

Thanks for all your advice and answers in Advance!!! I appreciate it!!! :wink:



3 teeth extracted: Thursday, July 20, 2006
2 teeth extracted: Thursday, July 27, 2006
5 spacers put in: Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Spacers out, full braces in: Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Brace Treatment Time: 22 - 26 months.


also should include...

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:12 pm
by babykitten75
:oops: I forgot to include my daily oral hygiene regimen.

First thing in the morning, I do a warm salt water rinse.
Then I have breakfast.
Next, I use Plax pre-brush mouthwash.
After that, I brush my teeth with the toothbrush my ortho supplied me with.
Later on during the day, after I have lunch, I use the Plax pre-brush mouthwash again then brush my teeth w/the toothbrush my ortho gave me.
Then at night, after Dinner, I brush with the toothbrush my ortho gave me, floss, then use Oral-B mouthwash with fluoride.

Is this good enough for people with braces? :tingrin:

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:38 pm
by Dark_angel
If you ever have the problem again and your going out try eating some toast and crisps (chips) that should get rid of the excess on your tounge/gums.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:25 am
by Lisa65
Hi babykitten

The disclosing tablets will mostly stain those areas where there is plaque. So those darkest pink/red bits are where you need to concentrate most when brushing.
As for getting the stain off your lips, I've had the same problem! I guess you could try putting some vaseline or something on your lips first so that hopefully the dye won't stain.
I only use them once a month just to check I'm not missing any spots.

You're lucky you didn't use a blue one like the ones I bought from Boots :lol: now THAT looked very very strange!