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Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:24 am
by cmm1280
Hi Matty_Oz,

Congrats on getting your braces in 2 weeks! I speak on behalf of many members of this website by wishing you all the best. How long did the orthodontist say that you would be in them? I get mine on in October and I'm looking at about 24 mths time.

Best of luck!


Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:38 pm
by fitchick
Hi Matty,

Congratulations on taking the decision to correct your teeth. I don't think any of us take the decision lightly. I am only at the beginning of my journey, but I can hopefully give you some encouragement by saying that I noticed a change within 3 weeks. My lower arch was very higgeldy piggeldy, and within 3 weeks I noticed that a perfect arch had formed. It is truly amazing and very inspiring. I recommend taking frequent photos so you can follow your progress.

I wish you loads of luck with your treatment. Will you post on how the extractions go? All this advice from an 'old bird' (40yrs)!!!!!


Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:46 pm
by babykitten75
Hi Matty_Oz

:-)o Welcome!!!

:tingrin: Congratulations on getting braces in 2 weeks and no one is ever too old for braces.

If you ever have questions, there is always tons of friends on here to give you advice.

Enjoy being braced! :frogbraces:

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:55 pm
by sharonm
Congrats on deciding to get your braces.Are you just having the normal ones?

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:32 pm
by lionfish
Melbourne, huh? Raining down there today, I'm told.

Don't worry about the extractions.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:38 pm
by WeezieGirl25
Hey Matty!

28 is not old by the way. I'm 23 and my teeth aren't really that bad at all I am self conscious of them so I finally decided to have them fixed. If all goes as planned I am scheduled to get my braces on Sept 6 so it looks like we will be getting braced around the same time! As for when people see changes in their teeth I think it all depends. I know some people that saw their teeth really straighten out in 6 weeks time and others that took a long time to notice changes. Anyways, welcome to the board!! I am new as well!! You should post some before, during, and after brace pics.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:49 pm
by ChangingBraces
I have only had my top braces for 4 weeks (the bottom for 2 days....) and I already see a noticable difference. Funny how it seems to happen overnight also.
I was flossing one day and noticed that my front teeth have almost no gap between them anymore & that my left front tooth no longer slightly overlaps the tooth next to it & is pushed back almost even with the other front tooth. That is always what I've hated the most about my smile, so I am loving the difference already. My teeth look better with the braces than they did without, just due to that change.