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Just got braced, and i hate turbos....

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:04 pm
by r4zz0
Owww! This is much more annoying that I thought. I just got braces two days ago. Been going back and forth whether or not to get braces for a few years and then I came to the realization that there will never be a "right" time to get them. So I decided to just get it done.

I was so depressed after my first meal. I can't bite anything because of this turbo thats bonded to the back of one of my front tooth. This makes eating impossible. I think I'm gonna be eating at home for the next 6 months or whenever they decide to take it off. To make it worse I bit off part of the turbo the first night so now I got this sharp corner that pokes in to my tounge. Well at least the pain is keeping my mind off of smoking.

I got one question though, one of my top teeth is pushed back so when I bite down it goes behing my lower jaw. What tools/methods are there to pull that tooth back to the front?

Boooo for turbos too!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:52 pm
by Cor1
Hi there, I've had my braces on for almost a month, and I got two turbos on both my top front I know what your going thru, but after awhile ya get used to them (and you can actually talk without lisping!!!), eating becomes a little better, ya can't bite anything with your front teeth, and when ya bit too far, ya know real quick....pain!!!! Wow ya must have bite down pretty hard to break your turbo too???, are yours made of metal??? mine are.

And I have two teeth on top that are really far back and not bracketed yet, so I am also curious how they go about movin them up, the front one I can see just with an archwire, once it gets all bracketed up, but the other one I have is up inside my mouth towards my palate...........that one could prove ortho is trying to or will be trying to move it without having to pull it out, but I just can't see how this is going to be possible, so ya what kinda stuff would they use to move a tooth so far in????

And once again I feel for you and your turbo...........mine are supposed to be on for a year :shock: :shock: I REALLY HOPE IT IS SHORTER THAN THAT!!!!!!


Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:08 pm
by Izzy
I'm in the turbo club too, only mine are composite rather than metal. When I first got mine my tongue hurt, I lisped, and could hardly chew.

Things are so much better now!! I can eat just about any thing and my tongue no longer hurts.

So hang in there and it will get better -- not wonderful, but tolerable. I'll be very glad when they are gone, but living with them is not so bad after month or so.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:37 pm
by rdms_girl
Wow, I can totally relate!!! I am 3 days into braces and miserable about these darn Turbos :-(( I am also quitting smoking and between the hunger and nicotine craving , I am pretty darn grumpy :twisted:

I'm glad to hear that you get used to them eventually :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:58 am
by r4zz0
thanks for the support everyone!

i got another question. i got 8 spacers right now, 2 on each corner. I think thats to put on the molar bands? he told me to come back in two weeks. if thats the case was it nessessary for my ortho to put on brackets and wires for all my other teeth? don't the brackets and the molar bands have to be connected for teeth to move around? i'd hate to think im going to be wearing all this gear for the next two weeks for no reason when i could just be wearing the spacers...

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:16 am
by Lisa65
A lot of orthos do it that way, I'm not sure why. (mine does)

It can sometimes be hard to get the molar bands on and your back teeth and tongue feel a bit sore afterwards sometimes. I guess maybe orthos like to give you a short while to get used to the molar bands before they start putting brackets and wire on your other teeth and thereby putting force on those molars.

And good luck with the quitting smoking. I thought about giving up at the same time as getting my braces but quickly gave up on that idea!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:15 pm
by texbrace
I originally had bite turbos, But I bit them off twice in two days. :oops: Finally, they Decided to put a build up on my back 2 molars instead. You should ask your ortho if that would work instead of having a bite turbo if they are really bothering you.