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Anyone have any experience with this???

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:30 am
by lane

Please bare with me while I try to explain....Up until 3 days ago I had two springs put in to close my upper bicuspids gaps....I've been noticing that on the right side of my mouth my teeth have "dropped" (best way I can describe this) lower than my left side...I went into the ortho for my adjustment and he removed the spring from the right side of my mouth and wire tied the canine...On the left he kept in the spring, wire tied the canine and the other behind it and added a power chain to my two front teeth (feel like I have a science experiment going on in my mouth...):) .....Anyhow, he did a good job of explaining what he was doing but it is weird to see one side of my teeth "dropped" and the other much so that it seems like the leveling of my teeth are way off now, similar to how it was when I first started this journey in April....Seems like I've taken a step forward and two steps back...Has anyone ever experienced this with such a difference in the leveling of your teeth? I know that it will all correct itself in the end but I'm just interested to hear what you guys have experienced so far since I'm still somewhat new to this process....Hope this all made sense and I look forward to hearing your experiences...

Thanks guys!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:44 am
by jcdamon3
HI there!

It would be great to see a picture so I can verify what you are talking about.

My daughter has been in braces for about a year. She had alot of gaps and has had powerchains for a big percentage of that year.

The other day I noticed that her upper teeth edges slant up from left to right . (In other words her right side needs to be brought down) Her teeth seem straight otherwise. I pointed this out to her Father and made a big deal out of making sure he asked at her appointment. The ortho "said" he knew about it.. (Right) and put an class II elastic (going from upper right top front to lower right bottom back) on that side which is too high in front. Hope that make sense.

The ortho said it was normal - these things happen when you try to close gaps.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:54 am
by lane
Thanks for responding....and you are correct a pic would be helpful and I will try and post one later today...but I think you got the jist...Your daughter's situation sounds similar to mine as my left side needs to be pulled down as well...I'm just glad to hear that this is somewhat of a "normal" process when going through this journey!!

Thanks again!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:54 am
by lane
Thanks for responding....and you are correct a pic would be helpful and I will try and post one later today...but I think you got the jist...Your daughter's situation sounds similar to mine as my left side needs to be pulled down as well...I'm just glad to hear that this is somewhat of a "normal" process when going through this journey!!

Thanks again!