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ArchWired Reaches its Millionth Reader!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:06 pm
by bbsadmin
The hit counter at the bottom of the main ArchWired site has now surpassed over one million unique visitors! When I first began the site, I never would have anticipated that it would become so large or so popular.

:-88 :-)o :gavel:

I plan to write a press release to celebrate this fact. Is there anything you guys would like to say about the site to be included in the release?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:11 pm
by Betty Bat
Congratulations! And, thank you so much for providing this site.

I guess I would say that it really fills a gap (pun intended!) for adults wearing braces. It provides a lot of technical information - on orthodontics in general and on the practical, day-to-day experiences of wearing braces - as well as providing a supportive environment.

Thanks for keeping the site going, Lynn.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:23 pm
by lemonlyme
I am so thankful for this website, so much information, so many great people, all around a great place to 'be'. I can't imagine my braces journey without it!


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:26 pm
by ladygal
Before I got my braces on, I read almost every story from "My first day in braces" and it really prepared me for exactly what was going to happen. Also getting questions answered from 'old pros' has been wonderful!!! (Also getting some sympathy hasn't hurt too)

Thank you so much for this website, it has definitely been a great blessing!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:25 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Congrats on the million mark, as for this site its convinced me to getting braces and allowed me to ask many questions that I had and get those questions answered. Thanks again for hosting an awesome site and keep up the great work.

If you need any moderators I'm willing to help you out!

SDFD TSchott

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:36 am
by bckydgardnr
This is a fabulous site. It is very difficult to find empathy as an adult in braces. This site offers empathy, education, and an opportunity to laugh at what we are all going through!


Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:50 am
by LoobyLou
Congratulations on the millionth reader!

I think we'd all agree that without this site a lot of us wouldn't have felt as knowledgeable or supported throughout our orthodontic voyages. Thank you Lynn for your unique and all-round fantastic!

LoobyLou x

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:24 am
by Braces2.0
That's really neat! I know for me it has been nice to know that I'm not the only adult who is doing this!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:28 am
by Chris
Congratulations, Lyn!

Yes, in your press release, please encourage orthos and even their assistants to visit and contribute to the site.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:38 am
by Anticipator
Congratulations and thank you for providing a medium for us to get so much useful information! :D

It seems that so much of the information that's available on the net only gives cursory information and expects that adults will be satisfied with this when they're investing a large sum of money, discomfort, and emotions into what can be a lengthy process. As adults we don't have as much of a social network that's currently involved in orthodontia and consequently we often don't have anyone to commiserate with or simply get "real" information from. allows for patients and practitioners to come together to share the vast wealth of information we've all collectively accumulated as well as find support throughout our treatments. I believe I would still be debating whether or not to finally correct my teeth if it were not for this website and forum members. :tingrin:

Thank you Lyn and archwired.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:52 am
by starryadora is such a great resource for adults who are looking for information on how to improve their smile!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:31 am
by fitchick
Thank you so much Lynn, and Congratulations on exceeding your own expectations.

I stumbled across this site purely by chance, and I am so grateful to you. It has given me lots of support, encouragement, positive words and the opportunity to ask questions that I may well have felt too silly to ask my ortho. It feels good to be able to support others too. And, I have made a MM friend that uses the same ortho as me. Small world eh? You are doing a great job at bringing all us bracefaces together. Thank you!


Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:20 pm
by Jillianleab
One million - Amazing! Congrats!

I found this site the day I got braced, and it has been a never-ending source of information and support for me. I didn't realize how many questions I would have going through the process, and I'm so thankful Archwired has been an available resource. Being on this site really helps me to remember I'm NOT the only adult in the world with braces, and I CAN DO THIS.

Hooray Archwired! :banana: :jump: :-)o

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:30 pm
by sjsarre
Hey congrats... I don't know what I would have done without this site.. It really helped me make the decision to start Orthodontic treatment...

:jump: :tingrin:

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:20 pm
by Dramagyrl
I don't think my journey with braces as an adult would have gone as smooth without the help and support of the people on the board. The links and information on anything I could possibly think of have been a guidance and confidence builder through the process. I feel like I'm much more educated too, so I always have something intelligent and positive to say to people who ask me about my braces out of interest or because they are considering getting braced themselves. What a wonderful site to have stumbled on for information, and I plan to stay on board for the whole process! Thanks so much!