I'm a class III (underbite) case and I'm wondering if it's possible to have a Hawley retainer made for the upper arch with a lingual bow wire instead of the usual labial bow? My upper incisors, especially the laterals, have a very strong tendency to relapse by moving in the rearward direction (I know from having had a first set of braces as a teenager) and they are therefore needing to have force exerted from their lingual side. (I'd like to avoid having a bonded upper retainer, which would be the other option.)
Thanks for any help!
Hawley retainer with a lingual bow?
Moderator: bbsadmin
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:21 am
As a followup to my original question, I'm wondering if as an alternative to having a lingual wire added to a Hawely retainer, whether the acrylic palate portion of the Hawley retainer can be made to extend down the lingual (rear) surfaces of the upper incisors in order to exert the necessary forward force to prevent those teeth from migrating/tipping backwards? In otherwords, does the acrylic portion of a Hawley retainer normally only cover the palate, or does it also extend up/down behind each tooth as well? (I'm not able to tell from any of the photos that I've seen.)
- Posts: 124
- Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:01 pm
- Location: NJ
Hi, My upper hawley reatiner extneds almost to the bottom of my top teeth. Ortho says it so the top teeth cant move back since they have the tendency to relapse that way....... ask your Ortho about it... huh I thought that was normal? what do i know though....
best wishes,
best wishes,
lower wisdom teeth cut out 1/27/05 (ouch)
braced 3/8/05.
24-30 month Est.
going full metal 8/22/05
Naked as of August 28, 2006

braced 3/8/05.
24-30 month Est.
going full metal 8/22/05
Naked as of August 28, 2006