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What Q's Should I ask

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:47 pm
by SDFD TSchott
I was just woundering, does anyone here know what type of questions I should ask the orthodontist before getting braced.

I already paid $500 towards a downpayment for start of orthodontic treatment and had a deep cleaning which cost me only $15.00 and then I had four molars removed costing me $100.00

Grand Total So Far: $615.00

What questions should I ask the orthodontist?
Also I got bored tonight and created something for this site check it out here:

Responces about questions to ask will be greatly appreciated!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:05 pm
by Kimber
Wow, there are so many questions to ask, but basically I'd suggest the following:

How long?
How much? Payment plans?
What types of braces, hardware are you looking at? (ask to see models -- that often helps) Are nasty things like expanders or headgear in your future at all?
If you have an emergency (break something in there) what do you do? ie How easy is it to get ahold of someone on the weekend?
What exactly will they be attempting to correct for you?
How long will you go between adjustments?

If you're still trying to determine if this is the right ortho for you, you might also want to ask about their experience with problems similar to your own, how many adults they see, how long they've been in practice. From this discussion, you should get a good idea if this is someone who will take the time to answer your questions -- and who answers them in a way that you can understand!

I also looked around the office -- is it spotless? are the employees there friendly and happy? do the other patients seem satisfied?

I'm sure others will have more great suggestions.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:13 pm
by SDFD TSchott
I've checked out the office, its always cleaned and organized, I even got a tour of areas other patients arn't allowed in like the x-ray deveoping room and so on. The staff is excellent and are very curtious and will be awesome to deal with I'm assuming after the first few appointments I've had with them.

I already been told that I will have full metal braces for approximently 12-24 months, costing me $2,985.00 with monthly payments of $125.00 a month. I will be sure to ask those other questions on the day I get braced. Like How long will I be between adjustments, emergency contact, and hopefully I won't have to deal with headgear.

SDFD TSchott


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:16 am
by SDFD TSchott
I've had three consoltations and I did choose the one that seemed more reasonable and fair, I know the first appointment wiht the first ortho I had said no extractions, well I had 2 molars that needed extractions anyways cause they were in bad shape. So I went to another ortho they said extractions and the total cost would be $6,000 and I'd be in braces for 4 years. 4 Years for very little work I highly doubt it so I went to a third and a fourth the third was reasonably cheap, $1,478 for 1 year and the fourth sounded much more reasonable and fair at $3.000 and 18-24 months, that definantly sounded like the one, and the staff at all the first 3 were a little on the non-friendly side.

SDFD TSchott


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:18 am
by joney
Hi SDFD Tschott

Somebody else asked this question a while ago. Look at


Hope this helps.

Great pic with the teeth.


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:35 pm
by hathetran
the brochures answer a lot of questions but you'll get some as time comes along