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Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:21 pm
by joney
I thought about it for years but never seriously considered it until I brought my youngest daughter to the orthodontist for her treatment in July and I saw the orthodontist wearing an upper brace. I spoke to her about it and she persuaded me to see her colleague who deals with adults. All in all my decision since seriously considering it in July has been quick but that is mostly thanks to the information and support on this site.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:21 pm
by Jillianleab
I started thinking about it probably about a year ago. I went to the dentist and talked about Invisalign (big NO on that one!), and she told me to have some consults. Life got in the way and I had a consult in I think November 2005. Didn't like that ortho, and put it off again. Life got in the way AGAIN (funny how it does that) and I went for another consult in March 2006. That's the ortho I picked, and I was banded May 19!

Once I really made up my mind I just went with it, I knew if I dwelled on it I would talk myself out of doing anything, and I'm really glad I took the plunge!

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:38 pm
by MS1
I had to keep postponing for monetary reasons. I've spent a fortune on root canals, crowns, replacing fillings, etc. over the last five years. I'm finally at the point that I could afford braces since I've fixed everything else. Geez, I hope I didn't just jinx myself.


Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:09 pm
by Tin Indian
:( Me To, I've been talking about it for about ten years, the last five seriously. After I had my wisdom teeth pulled and my teeth fixed and my Dentist nagging me on I finally went to se my Ortho. Now I get mine this Friday. Now I just wish I would'nt have been such a wussie chicken and just plain gone ahead and get it done. Now it will take another two years from my life.Oh well The things you learn.
Tin Indian-over and out

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:19 pm
by Yvonne1
It's the same for me. I thought about it 10 years ago when my dentist sent me to an ortho for a consultation. As I thought it would be more for cosmetic reasons I didn't want to spend so much money and go through all the pain. So I stopped thinking about it.
Now, ten years later, I figured out that my bite really causes me trouble. This time I made the decision in 2 weeks and got braced last Friday. I am so happy that I finally did it, although it is still a strange feeling to have all that metal in my mouth.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:54 pm
by fitchick
Hi Meryaten,

I thought about it when I was 16yrs but chickened out. I talked about it and um'd and ah'd for the next 20 something years. Then I seriously gave it more thought about 2 years ago and finally started treatment 2 months ago. How many times have I said to myself since 'Why didn't I do this years ago'? There's only me to blame. I hope my treatment time is a lot, lot quicker than my decison making!!


Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:00 pm
by gunter8888
I knew I wanted to do it for quite some time, but it took 7-8 years for all the stars to align for me. Things just came together. 2 years ago I started at company who's dental insurance has great ortho coverage. Early this year I found an ortho I liked with a treatment plan that worked for me. In the spring I got a promotion and a pay increase that helps offset the cost of braces. Then I got a bonus that covered a nice down payment. At that time my wife said it was time I got moving forward. 3 weeks later I was on my way.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:59 pm
by lionfish
Um, I'd been thinking about it for about 35 years before doing anything about it.

I hope my treatment doesn't take that long. :shock:

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:01 pm
by juf_84
I started thinking about getting braces seriously at the end of 2001... and finally took the plunge mid 2006... so five years of thinking about it for 9-12 months treatment time! But I'm a big believer that while we definitely have control over our lives, certain things we do happen at certain times for a reason. I don't regret not taking the plunge back in 2001 and now having braces... I love my ortho and my treatment plan and I just think everything came together now because it's the right time.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:14 pm
by lionfish
I agree with you, juf_84 - there is a time for everything. It took me 35 years to get over the advice of first ortho who pretty much condemned my teeth and bite to perdition. That's more years than you've been on the planet! But I got there in the end.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:21 pm
by wiredkitty
I didn't need braces when I was a teeenager as my teeth were straighter then. It wasn't until my 20s that my dentist suggested it might be good to straighten them to help me clean them (I also had bad gums at the time).

I didn't want to get them when I was single - so it wasn't until I was in a stable relationship and my partner encouraged to see an orthodontist, which was made easier because he was a friend of ours. Then I put it off again when we got engaged.

So they are finally on at age 32 so yes the time thinking about it was definitely longer than the time I'll be in then (well I certainly hope so!)

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:41 pm
by pippy
Hmm always wanted straight teeth (so say 20 yrs or so based on when I really noticed they were somewhat diferent to everyone elses :oops: - hey I was a little slow off the mark in those areas!) but never wanted braces so never gave it any thought.

Discovered wisdom teeth this january, had ortho appointment in consultation with dental surgery for wisdoms in March, teeth pulled June and braced in July...nothing like jumping on in there lol

Whats that my old mom used to say..'act in haste and repent at leisure'...but hey, shes the one who didn't straighten them when I was a kid so lets not listen to that theory :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:19 am
by cbushnaq
I've been thinking about it for 28 years. My treatment time is estimated at 24-30 months. Previous consults said that surgery was a must or no braces so I put it off until I got brave enough to risk jaw surgery. New ortho says he can get a good result without surgery. My braces and RPE go on Sept. 6th.


Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:20 am
by florencegal
I've been thinking about it seriously for about the last 5 years now - and obsessively for the last year or so! It's a bit upsetting when I realise that my teeth have got noticeably worse and worse in this time so if I'd got started with the braces sooner, it probably would have been less of a complicated case and certainly shorter treatment. Plus I'd have been enjoying great teeth for quite a while by now!

Buuuut..... everything happens for a reason and if life wanted me to wait until now then so be it. I'll appreciate the results even more!

(going for my second consultation tomorrow to discuss my treatment plan - so excited!!!) :D

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:06 pm
by Braces2.0
My dentist first suggested braces to me several years ago--probably 5 or so. At the time I thought "no way" because he said I'd need my wisdom teeth pulled first.

Then I ended up getting my wisdom teeth out due to some pain I was having, that was about 3 years ago. I've been considering it since then, but was afraid it would cost too much. My daughter started seeing an orthodontist in May, at that time I thought I would go in and have mine fixed when she was done with hers. I said something to the doc at her last appointment, they suggested I come in for a consultation that day. Four hours later I had full braces. :lol:

My treatment is estimated to take 18 months.