Reluctance to post photos

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DO NOT POST FULL-FACE PHOTOS or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Reluctance to post photos

#1 Post by joney »

I got my teeth cleaned by the hygienist yesterday and thought now it is time to take photos of them clean but crooked prior to treatment so I will have something to compare with when they hopefully start moving with treatment.

However, when I saw the photos I felt reluctant to post them. The top are crooked but don't bother me too much but the bottom ones and my open bite in the photo look dreadful.

I am just wondering if others have felt the same? I am so grateful to all the people who have posted here as sometimes the proverbial "picture painting a thousand words" is so true. I have learnt a lot and have had "ah-ha" moments discovering techniques to move those stubborn teeth especially when there are problems like mine.

How did people get over sometimes hiding their smiles for years to actually posting photos over www?

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#2 Post by Braces2.0 »

I posted a pic of my teeth in my first post, and I will agree that I thought my teeth look totally disgusting! However, I have seen people posting pics that I thought looked worse than mine :P so it wasn't too bad. Plus, none of you know my real name or where I live. :D

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#3 Post by Jillianleab »

I was hesitant to post pics at first too, which is why I didn't even take any until I was a month in. Think about it this way - we all crop everything but our teeth out, so no one actually knows who you are. It's a little nervewracking at first (wondering if people are leering at your teeth going "OH MY GOD!!!!), but once you start to see improvement, it's actually a lot of fun! The funny part for me is, I wouldn't dare show my husband, family or friends my pictures and have them examine them, but I have no problem posting them here!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
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#4 Post by jcdamon3 »

I have only posted pictures of my teeth once and I promptly removed them.

I was looking at those pictures just the other day. I think they were taken in May. My teeth look alot better now. But the thing that struck me is that I was looking at the photos on the computer screen that were taken with the macro lense on my digital camera and no matter how much I tried, sitting right next to the computer with my really strong reading glasses and a 3X mirror I could not see my teeth as that close up!

I can't think of anything more unflattering than having a closeup of your teeth like that (or anything else for that matter) :-)

I say if you feel uncomfortable don't do it.

I may at the end of my treatment post some before and after photos.

BTW, my teeth were never really that crooked but because of a bad bite and my not paying attention to things I have some serious wear on my front teeth. I have no idea if I will fix them or not. I have to figure all that out later. Part of the problem is with all this looking so close up I think we are missing the BIG picture.
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#5 Post by lionfish »

I've not posted pics either. I'm a bit of an introvert at the best of times.

I took a pic a few months ago for my own interest and really, it ain't that bad, I just can't bring myself to put it up here.

I do however enjoy tracking the "movement" of others and admire you lot who go public and show us your amazing progress.

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#6 Post by jcdamon3 »

I am an introvert too. That may have something to do with it.

I do enjoy seeing others post pics though and I am glad they do. I do find myself comparing though which can be bad. So in some instances it is very inspirational and educational, on the other had can be depressing for me. I guess no one is twisting my arm to look! :-)
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
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#7 Post by snaggletooth steve »

One thing that has helped me tremendously on this forum is to see before and after progress photos, particularly those from people with really bad crowding issues. With that in mind, I posted mine for all the world to see both for future brace-seekers and to keep myself motivated to proceed. Now I have to get braces and follow through with what I've said.

I've gone through great lengths to make sure no one finds my real ID, even down to where I host my pics and my name. With these protections in place, I feel quite comfortable showing these teeth in this situation!

What is interesting though is that after posting the pics behind a false ID, I have become much more comfortable with showing other people that I actually know. I can now have full on discussions with friends about dental appts (their's or mine) and whatever. This is a big step for a former dental phobe such as myself. I still don't smile big even around my closest friends but that will change soon I hope.

My advice is to post them.. it really is a part of the process and you will help people in the future when they see the amazing progress you will have. And yes, I had to fight myself to keep from deleting the first pics I posted.. I just shut down the computer and found something else to do that evening.


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#8 Post by Zondrae »

I know what you mean. When I took my "before" photos, they are so close up & my teeth look horrible. I was nearly too embarrassed to even show my husband - and he sees my teeth anyway :lol:

Don't be shy - we all have teeth problems or we wouldn't be here right?

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#9 Post by bbsadmin »

The first time I saw my teeth from those orthodontic photos they take with the x-rays, I was shocked. I mean, obviously I knew my teeth were crooked, but I had never noticed the overbite or the full extent of my open bite. I was really embarrassed for a while after seeing those pictures. So I know how you feel. But hey, you're getting everything fixed, so don't feel so bad. Think of what the "after" pictures will look like!
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#10 Post by pippy »

AS another one of the introverts on the board (but one who posts piccies lol) I know where you are coming from!! The ortho pictures nearly made me cry and I have had to really develop a sense of humour about how they look now with all their blue bits and springs. I have posted them for a couple of reasons - one is that everyone here gets as excited about your progress as you do yourself while in our everyday lives we aren't surrounded by people who are that interested - my hubby only teases me about mine! And the other reason was for other people on the board - it has always helped me to see the progress other people made so I thought I'd chip in, though I still flinch when I see the pictures!! We all need to share it with someone and for people who are really shy and selfconscious this is ideal - public as hell but anonymous as you want it to be lol. Really though, don't feel obliged to post or bad about not wanting to - its such a personal choice. And we'll all be here to cheer you on regardless - and when you post a picture of lovely straight nashers some time in the future :-1

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#11 Post by hathetran »

dont worry..we're all friends!

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#12 Post by Clo »

First, if you want to share pics here, you feel obliged to take pictures from
time to time. Then, even if you don't post them, they are so great to look
at some time later. To see how much improvement you got in such a short
time. So if you are reluctant to post them, keep them but wait until you see
some major improvement. Then you can say "no, no, that is not me on the
first pic, I am the one on the second pic". Of course you forget to add the
word "now".

And then there is this strange thing about macrophotography. One can feel
very reluctant to post a pic of one's whole face, but the more close you make
the pic, the less reluctant one is to share it over the net. As if you can say
"this is not me, this is just a set of teeth". Even more, a set of teeth that will
be rebuild and so will not be that way for very long anymore.

So, take lots of pics, keep the best ones and don't hesitate to show them here.
They will be the proof of how well your braces do their job. You will be very
pleased after some time to post another one, again showing some major
improvement. And know it helps people that will step in our footsteps to
start their journey.

And isn't the net not the biggest communication channel ever, but at the
same time anonymous if you want it to be ?

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#13 Post by TuZZi »

Honestly.... this is the only place I've ever felt comfortable showing pictures of my teeth. I absolutely hated them growing up, and still did right up until the first day I got my braces.

We are all in the same boat here, and everyone here is so helpful and encouraging, you needent worry about your un-perfect smile.... we've all been there too!
Full On Metal! Aug 31, 2005
4 Bicuspids extracted Sept 26-27 2005
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#14 Post by tamsteve »

I wasn't really embarassed to show my pics on here cause that is what helped me out and that's what helped me make the decision on getting braces. I love to look at the improvement of everyones teeth it makes me excited on the progress of my own teeth!! So, everyone is different but, it does help with the pictures.....

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#15 Post by Blonde_Metal04 »

Personally, I am the kind of person who is not afraid to post pictures of my teeth/ myself online. I feel like the web is an extension of the world, and I go out into the world everyday. It's not like people know my address or what university I attend. That being said, I feel that yes, pictures are a good way to post your progress, and let everyone see exactly what you are talking about, but, we will still support you, even without the pictures. And, you can STILL take pictures for your own personal use, and just describe to us how it is going. Either way, no one is here to judge you, and we back you uo 100%!

Spacers: 08/09/2006


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