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Ok so it's been 3 days...poking wires...

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:30 am
by krooner
It's been 3 days since I got these things clamped into my mouth! I have mixed feelings....I know, in the long run, it will hopefully give me the smile I've always wanted. But right now, I'm annoyed with the poking wires, dry mouth, weird "big mouth" feeling and the fact that I feel like I have to hide my smile! I know these feelings will die down when I get used to these things but right now it is quite annoying! :cry:

Question about wax: I received some from the orthodontist but it hardly seems like enough. Where can I get some more? Will I need to keep applying it every day for a year?

Thanks in advance


Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:46 am
by Lisa65
Hi Gracie

If the ends of the wires are poking you in the cheek or gum, then give your ortho a call. They can snip the ends off in a second. Wax doesn't really help with poky wires.

You can help the dry mouth by drinking lots of water to keep your mouth moist and using a lot of vaseline or chapstick on your lips.

KK's salt water rinses are good for toughening up the inside of your mouth and are soothing to any sore spots. Your ortho will probably give you more wax if you need it or depending on where you live I believe some drugstores stock it, or there are places online which sell it.

I only needed wax for about a week and after that found my mouth was tough enough to withstand any chafing.

It does get better honestly. The first week or so is the worst.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:41 am
by reba678
I've had mine on for a week now and I've only needed the wax twice. I haven't had the wire poking at the sides, I agree with the other poster about having them clipped, my problem is my bottom brackets are scraping the inside of my lip (they did this the day after I had the braces put on too) so I'm thinking "gee, maybe my teeth are moving already! ;)

I don't think you'll need the wax every day, you'll get used to it, but just ask your ortho for more when you go for your adjustment.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:50 am
by Lisa65
I'm thinking "gee, maybe my teeth are moving already!
They probably are! :D I noticed movement within a week of being braced.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:44 am
by Izzy

You can get more wax from your local pharmacy or from DentaKit. Also, some orthos will give you more if you ask.

I have been braced for seven weeks and still find that I need a bit of wax here and there. I will go for a few days, think everything is fine -- no more wax -- then my teeth move a bit and wax is neeed.

Thank you

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:55 am
by krooner
Thanks all! I think the wires are fine, I'm just not used to them! The wax has helped a bit actually...

I'm just wondering if I'll ever get used to this "full mouth" feeling. I wake up in the morning and say "oh yeah..."

It will be worth it right?


Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:30 pm
by RainyDay2
Mariaten, great post I couldn't have said it better myself. I agree...brackets you can get used to but poking wires bihind the metal tube is very hard to get used to.

You can find wax at walmart too. I plan on stocking up in a week when I go for my first adjusment. I hadn't had to use it at first but in the past few days I've had to apply some wax to the metal bands on my molars.

Good luck and yes it does get easier with time.