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Hello! I had my braces (damon) taken off on July 6th 2006. My teeth seemed fine, but even with my invisalign style retainer, my teeth seemed to have moved within such a short space of time. They are slowly but surely going wonky again (unless its all just in my head).
I wasnt entirely happy with the final outcome, but I accepted it, but almost two months on, they seem to be getting worse.
I had forked out £2500 for the treatment which lasted 18 and a half months. I had high expectations of having that perfect hollywood smile!
You have beautiful, healthy choppers there I am jealous!!!! I can't quite say if they've moved wonky again or not since I haven't seen your teeth every day like you have, but if you think something is wrong call your ortho! If you are wearing your retainers exactly as instructed and something still goes wrong, then it's not at your fault. Good luck
Damon 2's top and bottom, BRACED 02/22/04 and REMOVED 08/29/05. Now in bonded retainers (top and bottom) :4 wisdom teeth surgically removed on 12/22/05:
Hi Contour. Sorry to hear you are having troubles with movement, post braces. You state that you are wearing your retainer about 9 hours a day. Weren't you told to wear your retainer 24/7 for at least 6 months and then nights only? That seems to be what most people are reporting when their braces come off.
Had Damon 3 / Smart Clips for almost 2 years
Now in Hawley upper 10 hours/day, permanent lower retainers
My ortho told me that I would have to wear retainers 24/7 for about a year minimum otherwise they would start to move out of place.. He said that is the main part of the treatment plan that isn't adhered to by patients..
I would suggest that a call to your Ortho's office is required to enquire as to whether this should be the case...
how are we to really wear them 24 hours a day?? I myself am quite the slow eater so that's about 2 hours out of my day wear to eating itself (not including snacking) and then I also play sports and although some say you can wear a your retainer while playing, I prefer not to run the risk, so that's another 3-4 hours out of some days of the week.
do you guys think my teeth will really shift a lot if I keep taking it out like this? when I go to put it back in it tends to be tight, but after a while it's ok agian, so I figured it was ok.
Hey! I think your teeth look gr8, however they are not perfect. Where they completely straight right after u took ur braces?
I'm so scared this will happen to me once I'm done . I think it's called relapse or something...
My advice is use your retainers as much as you can and see you ortho. Maybe there is something he can do!
Good luck,
Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February
You should have worn your retainer for more than 9 hours a day. Talk to your ortho about getting it fixed. After that, wear your retainer all day, except for eating and cleaning!
About three years since being braced. Changed ortho twice, so it's hard to keep track.
A very special thanks to KK & linda21 for constantly reading my log. Thanks!
Are you not biting down on purpose in the last 2 pics? I am trying to find the movements in the teeth but I dont see any. The bite looks different but I dunno if your biting down or just showing alignment. Other then that, the teeth look just as straight to me.
*Usually the longer roads lead to more rewarding endings*
Braced~ 10/11/04
Braces come off May 2, 2006!!!!!
Hawley Retainer full time!
Ok.. Two years on and things seem to have got worse! I still dont feel confident smiling, and my teeth seem to have become the same as the were before I had braces. I had a new retainer made, and have been wearing those ever since, around 14hours daily, but then my ortho refused any furthur treatment because he only had a one year policy, so im confused about what to do next, should i go back to getting braces? should I go for veneers? or should I just be content with what i have
If you are unhappy with your teeth, then you really need to discuss what options you have either with your existing orthodontist, or somebody new.
Sorry to say, but you may need to go into braces again. Teeth unfortunately do move around after braces come off, and how you are going to keep them in place is a fundamental part of orthodontics! (especially when you're paying for all this work!)
In future you might want to enquire about fixed retainers (a bar glued to the back of your incisors) but this cannot resolve the issue you have now.
The pictures aren't that clear but from what I see they look fairly aligned. But those are pictures, not real life. If you don't like the end product go see another orthodontist. Your the one that has to live with it!
Iam an adult I wore braces 18 months to give me overjet they slimed the bot and pushed out the tops. At 16 months the other ortho guy with out even an explanation or looking at my mouth shaved and slimed a doulble cut on my tops and squeezed together as to cut them deeper, this pulled back my tops greatly. I hate it and ive complained, he spent under 60 seconds on me without ever stopping to check or even look at me straight ahead. It was totaly wrong, it took 60 sceconds to do the most important operation of my life. The main guy later said it was done to close holes at gums and before this he had said I needed dental bonding on those holes I think hes just coveing his but. I hate it, my question is when my mouth is shut should I feel some discomfort in my jaw joints? My teeth are flush in and out while Iam relaxed but fine when Iam on my back. My bottoms scrub my tops when I shut em, my tops are straight up and down when looked at sideways when before the bottom of the top top teeth leaned forward giving me some needed overjet. When I lean back about 15 to 25 degrees while sitting my bite is comfortable while closed so did they cut back a little to much?