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Piercings and braces...

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 6:52 am
by user

I have a madonna piercing (like beauty spot) on my face. Will this affect having braces? I've been for several consultations with orthadontists and they haven't said I'll have to take it out, but I keep forgetting to ask. Im hoping to begin my treatment in around 3 weeks.

Has anyone had this problem?


Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:53 am
by Dramagyrl
I really don't know about the Madonna piercing, but I am sure I have seen others on here with similar face or tongue piercings. I think someone said they had to change their labret to a ring so it didn't catch (that doesn't help you much) but maybe there is a softer, less catchy backing you could have that might help? It might also depend how high up it is if it could catch in brackets or something.

Best bet would be to ask the orthos first and if anything, hopefully some with better piercing expertise can add their suggestions how you can make it easier for the ortho and yourself.

Piercings and braces...

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:32 pm
by babykitten75
I'm not sure about the Madonna piercing either but I do have my tongue pierced. I never asked my Ortho if I should take it out or not because I haven't really had any problems with it catching on my brackets but since I've had extractions and there are gaps, sometimes the ball on my tongue ring catches on my wire but I can get it out no problem. I'm just really careful that I don't bend the wire while doing that though! I want to keep my tongue ring so I bought those Tongue Retainers (from eBay because it was so cheap - 5 for $2, including shipping/handling) and it looks like one end is flat - has an o ring (not a ball to catch on anything like a bracket or wire) You can check on eBay for something that might help with your Madonna piercing. But to be safe, you should ask your Ortho, Dentist, or Dental Assistant. I should do the same! Either that or hopefully someone with a Madonna piercing will give you a better answer on here. Good Luck starting your treatment in 3 weeks! I hope this helps!