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Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:51 am
by juf_84
Hi Lucy!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing pain. I haven't had any neck pain since getting braced/elastics (I've never been braced without elastics so can't compare) but lately my teeth have been aching constantly! And my jaw is unhappy a lot of the time. I guess, like everything else with orthodontics, everyone is different!

Hope it gets better soon!


Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:22 am
by Chris
no, no neck pain just jaw discomfort.

Don't forget every muscle and ligament is tied together and there is "referred pain". I read somewhere that someone was having excruciating pain in a back molar and the dentist was dumbfounded because there were no fillings in that tooth, no trauma, nothing on x-ray. Eventually turned out that the patient had a problem with a FRONT tooth and when that was fixed the pain in the rear molar went away. Go figure.

Why not try some massage therapy? :D

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:50 am
by rsprouse

It is not uncommon, you are activating some of the muscles in your head and neck and they have to work harder when you have an elastic pulling against them. You can think of it as a "tension" pain as if you were stressed or working out a bit hard. Use it as an excuse to make that special someone give you a massage. Or treat yourself to a professional massage. The discomfort should subside in a few days.


Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:25 am
by Lisa65
my neck's OK but I can relate to Chris' report of jaw pain. I think it's because I only have 2 back teeth that touch now and my jaw feels all kind of lop sided because of that.

hopefully a hot soak in the bath and a snuggle with Reapie will have you feeling better Lucy!

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:38 am
by Lisa65
Have you ever tried osteopathy Lucy? I used to suffer from a lot of stress related neck stiffness and pain, and I found that a trip to the osteopath now and again would free it up and have me feeling better for several weeks.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:02 am
by Lisa65
Just make sure they are properly registered Lucy, and you'll be fine! If you look in your local yellow pages there will be an ad for ones who are registered with the General Osteopathic Council. They have to go through extensive training to get registration so they do know what they're doing! You could always chat to them on the phone first and explain your health issues so they know what to expect.

I know your main concern is for Reapie but you have to keep yourself as well as possible too otherwise it will be harder for you to cope with all the added stress in your life right now (but I'm sure you know that!) :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:45 am
by fins
When I had my heaviest elastics I did get more headaches and neck pain. I am sure that the elastics had something to do with that.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:34 pm
by pippy
Don't have elastics yet but I seem to be clenching my teeth in my sleep and am waking up with a really stiff and sore neck - today for example it won't turn right which makes driving interesting. Not sure either if it is coincidence as my spine is clinically screwed .......have been out of action for several days with mental migraine type pain also, so am not sure if that has anything to do with the teeth, the neck or just my brain trying to escape....hmmm.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:36 pm
by Eleni
Girrrrrrrrrl, get a facial! Relieves neck pain and gives you glowing skin. What's to think about?

I hear you, I get the occasion neck pain as well. Especially when elastics are being worn. I recommend pausing at intervals throughout the day and doing simple stretches - pilates and ballet books have great ones for neck muscles. Also, open your mouth as wide as possible, not quickly though, and stretch those jaw muscles occasionally which clench more than we realize and aggravate the neck.