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Help! Quick question about spacers.does everyone get them?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:51 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
Just need to know if everyone gets spacers before they get braces put on?
I am coming up on treatment and have done my records but nothing has been mentioned about needing spacers for a couple weeks or any at all.

Just curious if everyone gets them or are there circumstances where they are not required?

Thanks for any speedy replies.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:14 pm
by lionfish
I didn't get spacers. I got buccal tubes (molar brackets) instead. They simply glue these brackets directly onto the side of the molar instead of onto a molar band. I've got them on all of my second molars (and one wisdom tooth).

If you haven't heard anything about spacers, it may be your lucky day - one less inconvenience to have to put up with.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:18 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
thanks so much for such a speedy reply!!
I guess I will find out soon. But I sure hope you are right and it is my lucky day!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:31 pm
by Flora2006
Same here. I never got spacers...thank goodness. All my ortho did was glue brackets in the back teeth. Good luck :)

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:44 am
by MS1
I had not even heard the term spacers when I received mine. I went in for my x-rays, etc. and before I knew it, my ortho said that he was putting a couple of spacers in to make room for a couple of bands that he would be applying to 2 of my top molars. Yes they were uncomfortable, but the pain was not unmanageable. I did not get any for my bottom teeth. You might not even need spacers.

Good luck with your treatment!

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:10 am
by jcdamon3
I only got one band - around a crown that I have.

My daughter got four bands - she has no crowns or any fillings in any of those teeth.

It depends on your ortho mostly and maybe to some degree your case. In my daughter's case I can tell you that it was the orthos choice. She had nothing amazing about her case that would warrant bands - no cross bite, etc.

Oh, btw, I would have had four except that they couldn't get the spacers in between my teeth. They were just too crowded.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:27 am
by florencegal
Thanks for asking this question ilvpoohbear76 as I was wondering this myself. Although I went to my case discussion appointment armed with a whole list of things to ask, I didn't think to check about molar bands and the ortho didn't mention them. I don't know if this means I won't need them - I've been trying to get in touch with my ortho to double check (not that this would put me off, I just want to know everything about what to expect at every stage of my treatment) but I've been too busy at work to catch them at the right time. Maybe because I'll be having 4 premolars extracted a week before I get braced there might be enough room anyway? Or maybe I just won't have them? Let's hope for the latter!


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:44 am
by ame_malia
I have spacers right now, but my brother never had them. I guess it depends on your ortho, and your teeth and the treatment plan.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:06 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
I must say thank you so much for all your responses. Everyone here so far has been so friendly. I am new and this topic was the first time I posted.
I did however get an answer to my question yes from all of you but also from my ortho today as I had an appointment today and to my surprise I did not need spacers as they said to me that if I had needed them they would have put them in on the day I had my records done (x-rays, pics etc) so this was great.
Also I guess todays appointment was the day because I now have braces on my teeth and a bite plate in my mouth. I can say right now that it is rather uncomfy and I am hoping I will quickly get used to it because it feels much different than I had expected.
I went with silver braces and lavender ligs.
I am hoping someone will explain to me how to insert a pic and I will be happy to share my photos with you.

I think the only really bad part about having them put on was after they were done and they took all the big stuff out of my mouth that was holding it open I could finally taste the stuff they use to get the brackets on your teeth and ohhhhh what a horrible taste.................I almost threw up right there and begged for her to tell me what I could do like rightnow to get rid of the taste.

Oh also can someone explain to me how to put a ticker on here.

Well looks like I am here to stay for awhile..
Thanks for all the info.


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:04 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
Ok thanks again for the reply.

I am going to start off by trying the ticker first.

Here goes


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:07 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
Ok I think I got it to work.

thanks for the info

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:45 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
Ok how do I place it in the profile? I went there and could not figure out how to place it there so it will come up all the time whenever I write a post?
Thanks in advance for the help.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:41 pm
by ilvpoohbear76
ok so do you happen to know how many posts I have to have done before it will allow me to enter in my ticker on the signature part of my profile?
I am sorry for bugging you and I so appreciate your time to explain things to me.

Ok so another real quick question as well.
I was fine thismorning after the braces were put on and now I am very achy and sore in the mouth and had to take some pain relief......does anyone have experience with this and if so how long should I expect this to last???
Thanks again

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:04 am
by florencegal
CONGRATULATIONS on getting braced! I'm so glad to hear it all went well (apart from the yucky taste) and you got let off having spacers. I really look forward to hearing about your progress and wish you the best of luck
